Punishment ch.8

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Carlos woke up in the morning looking for Tk on his side of the bed but he found nothing but empty sheets
That panicked Carlos he got out of bed pulling on a shirt pulling it on and pulling it down to the line of his sweats he walked downstairs in worry the doctors said he could get light headed or faint what if he went to get a glass of water in the middle of the night and fell and hit his head ? Carlos worried until he saw the love of his life sleeping on the couch with a blanket

He walked over to the couch sitting on the edge stroking Tk's hair out of his face Carlos kissed Tk's shoulder a few times "Tyler.." Carlos said stroking Tk's face "hm.." tk said digging his head further into the pillow " get up tiger .." Carlos said kissing his head

Carlos walked into the kitchen to start making breakfast tk sat up on the couch rubbing his eyes "why did you sleep down here last night ?" Carlos said looking at sleepy tk who started walking into the kitchen with a blanket wrapped around him " be careful ." Carlos said " I blew a heart valve I didn't break a leg ." Tk laughed sitting at the kitchen counter Carlos laughed putting pancake mix on the tip of Tk's nose " well why did you sleep down here ?" Carlos asked "I was tossing and turning I didn't want to wake you up figured you needed your sleep ." Tk said licking the pancake mix off his finger " more cinnamon." Tk teased "thanks for the constructive criticism." Carlos said adding more cinnamon " it's not to late to run ." Tk added laughing pointing to his ring " shut up ." Carlos said ruffling Tk's hair " I hope that's not what your wearing today ?" Tk said " what's that supposed to mean I'm not going anywhere ." Carlos laughed " but you are Michelle is back in town for the week so I told her to take you out today so that way you guys can catch up ." Tk said sipping his coffee " Ty I appreciate the thought but I can't just leave you alone." Carlos said " number one your not my babysitter and two I'm going to see my dad ." Tk said " okay but if they go out on a call you better call me so I can babysit you ." Carlos said " no need ."

"Smug little shit ." Carlos teased sitting next to him
" that's me ." Tk smiled " you know when your injury heals I think I might have to punish you for this ." Carlos said " are you going to arrest me ." Tk smirked "no but handcuffs will definitely be involved .." Carlos said " then I think I should be bad more often huh -." Tk smirked " indeed .." Carlos laughed kissing tk on the cheek

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