There ch.36

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Over the next few days tk got a little better with eating he was eating a full meal and maybe a half of one it wasn't what he needed to return to a healthy weight but it was a start

Carlos made sure he made tk stuff that he would like but stuff that was also giving him all the nutrients he would need even if he didn't eat the whole thing . Tk kept going to therapy which helped make him feel like he wasn't carrying around a bottle of his emotions

He had Carlos who never left his side alway being their to talk if he wanted to tk had a few mental breakdowns mainly because of stress anxiety you name it but he found Carlos by his side holding him tight

The two went for a few horseback rides which were fun for them to do together sure did tk thrown of the horse quite a few times yes hell yes he wasn't from Texas so it was new ground but it was fun spending time with Carlos

But here the two found themselves laying In bed Tk's head resting on Carlos's bare chest running his fingers up and down Carlos's stomach Bailey laying at the bottom of the bed fast asleep " are you sure your up to going back to work tomorrow ." Carlos said kissing Tk's head "yeah I feel a lot better I miss the team ." Tk said holding Carlos's hand "thank you for what you do for me .." tk said looking up at Carlos smiling "hey don't thank me okay we support each other you needed my help so I was there when I needed you help doing basic task like showering you were there ." Carlos said

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