One dance ch.21

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Happy Tears started to fill Tk's eyes as Carlos appeared at the begging of the isle as his mother joined him Judd rubbed his shoulder looking at him with a smile

Carlos came down the isle with his mom at the end of the stand she hugged her son and whispered "te amo mi dulce dulce Chico" in her sons ear "love you to Mami ." Carlos said the wedding was small just the 126 and a Carlos partner Veronica And Tk's dad ,mom ,Enzo and Carlos ,mom and his sisters that was all that mattered and also because those were their only friends hey could you blame them they worked with these people they grew close maybe a little to close ...

" alright I'm gonna be honest with you here I ain't know priest I just took classes online to do this ." Judd said laughing which had everyone laughing "as we all know tk and Carlos are the lovebirds we're here to celebrate today ." Judd said as tk and Carlos just shook there heads as everyone whistled " now it wouldn't be a Texas wedding if we didn't have these ." Judd said whistling as buttercup came rubbing having two black cowboy hats on his head everyone laughed as Judd placed the hats on each of there heads "now it's a wedding !" Paul called out as Judd pointed at him "okay but now for the reason we are all here "I've know tk for two years almost 3 and he was very closed off until he met Carlos and it's like he was the one missing puzzle piece that was needed to open him up so we all could get to know him and get to see how great he is and because he met Carlos we got to meet him as well and all his funny quirks and experience his horrible jokes and how caring he is not just for his friends but for the people he loves and people he meets

"But enough of me talking I think it's time we here what these two have to say .. tk ?" Judd said " when dad brought us down to Austin ..." tk said looking at everyone " I was in a bad place .. I didn't think love was a thing I could or something that I deserved .. but then I met Carlos .." tk said turning his attention to Carlos " he showed me that it's okay to love again and taught me that I am deserving of love and I couldn't thank him more for that because he never gave up on me no matter how many times I broke the toaster which was quite a few times and how many times I gave him a heart attack ." Tk let out a little chuckle "he never gave up on me and for that I am so great full and I couldn't be happier to be spending the rest of my life with you love you ." Tk said wiping the tear from the corner of his eye Carlos wiped his face "well your just trying to make me cry ." Carlos said laughing " I'll be honest I've never met someone whose such a danger magnet but your also the most caring nicest person I've ever met you take care of people for a living and even when your not working your still taking care or everybody hell you even check up on a bee after it stung you ." Carlos said as everyone laugh " you truly are so loving and caring and I couldn't even tell you how much I love you your simply just tk go for words to express I love you Ty always and forever ." Carlos said was crying as Carlos gave him a light smile " judd are you crying ?" Nancy asked " bell no ." Judd said wiping his face everyone laughed at judd

"Tk do you promise to love and cherish Carlos in sickness and health for richer and poor .?" Judd asked "I do ." Tk smiled " and Carlos do you take tk to love and cherish in sickness and health and for richer or poor ?" Judd said " I do ." Carlos said " well I'm pretty sure that mean you guys can kiss now ." Judd laughed the two kissed as everyone whistled " only took them two years ." Nancy laughed

Later that night the two sat at the table watching as the team all danced "regretting your decision already ." Carlos laughed kissing Tk's cheek tk laughed "never." Tk smiled. " well if that's the case can I have this dance?" Carlos asked putting his hand out tk smiled giving Carlos his hand

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