Whiskey ch.85

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Tk and Carlos had dropped willow off at Owens for the night for a sleepover " I forgot my stuffy !" Willow said " we will bring him later before bed okay ?" Carlos said " okay ." She smiled

"Thank you for watching her ." Tk said thanking his dad " anytime you know I'm always looking for an excuse to hang out with my only granddaughter." Owen joked leading to a cough " dad you sure your okay ?" Tk asked " yeah yeah now go enjoy yourselves ." Owen said shooing them away

"Alright blindfold on ." Carlos said as he pulled over on the side of the road "what ." Tk laughed as Carlos got the bandana from his pocked "really ?" Tk said laughing as Carlos tied the blindfold over his eyes "it's called keeping the romance alive ." Carlos laughed kissing Tk on the cheek " you act like we're 80 and on our deathbed ." Tk laughed " with you in the hospital all the time we might as well be ." Carlos said as he held Tk's hand as he drove " hey I've been doing good recently ." Tk said "that's a big accomplishment for me ." Tk laughed " something's telling me I should take that as a blessing ." Carlos laughed

"Watch your step ." Carlos said as he guided Tk " I swear your are the sweetest person alive ." Tk said as Carlos led him to a picnic " okay open your eyes ." Carlos smiled " aw you didn't have to do all this ." Tk said " when did you even do this ." Tk said looking at Carlos " remember earlier when you took willow to the park ?" Carlos asked " so sneaky ." Tk laughed " sneaky indeed ." Carlos smiled kissing Tk on the lips as Tk brought his hand up to Carlos face as Carlos sat his hands on Tk's hips when Tk's phone rang Carlos got it out of Tk's back pocket as Tk pulled away from the kiss "it's your dad ?" Carlos said " he's probably asking about her allergies ." Tk said answering the call putting it on speaker "hey dad what's up ?" Tk asked "daddy ?" Willow said " hey sweetie what's up ?" Tk asked more concerned " grandpa passed out ." She said Carlos shot Tk a concerned look " sweetheart I need you to do something for me it's very important that your do what I say okay ." Tk said " okay ." She said " okay go over to grandpa and take your two fingers and place your two fingers on his wrist at the base of the thumb go to the timer on the back phone go to stopwatch and count how many beats you feel in a minute "73 beats ." She said after a minute " okay so good just leave grandpa there okay and go up to the guest room and color okay me and papa will be their in a little to help ." He said " okay ." She said " bye love you ." Tk said " love you to ." She said

"What do you think happened." Carlos asked as he drove "I'm not sure I mean he's had a cough but that's because of a call he seems fine ." Tk said biting his knuckle when they got their they both came inside and that when Tk saw the answer the the question " he's drunk that's why he passed out ." Tk said seeing a empty bottle of whiskey on the floor " are you serious?" Carlos said as they looked at Owen laying in the floor as Tk took the bottle out of his hands putting it in the counter " and he just left the cabinet unlocked for her to get into ." Tk said closing the cabinet " you should take willow home I'll deal with this and clean him up ." Tk said " you sure ?" Carlos said " yeah ." Tk said " is he gonna be okay ?"Willow asked " yeah he's gonna be okay he -." Tk said struggling to come up with an excuse " he has a cold you remember when you had a cold you were super tired ." Carlos said " yeah ." She said " alright why don't you go to the car I'll be out in a second ." Carlos said kissing her on the head " thank you .." Tk said as Carlos brought him into a hug " this isn't your fault in no way shape or form ." Carlos said kissing his head " I'm sorry I ruined the night ." Tk said " you didn't ruin it okay all I wanted to do is spend the night with you which we can do when you get home right now go do what you need to do I'll get her some ice cream on the way home you want anything ?" Carlos asked " whatever you want ." Tk smiled " okay I love you ." He smiled " love you to ." Tk said closing the door the walked over to his dad He bent down to the floor he flicked his dad on the forehead "wha-." Owen said " get up dad ." Tk said stepping over his dad "where is willow ?" He asked as he grasped to get up onto the couch "you would know if you didn't get drunk ." Tk said locking the alcohol cabinet back up " why are you so mad ." Owen said " I don't know dad maybe cause when I'm out with my husband and we get a call from our 5 year old daughter that her grandpa is on the floor and then we come here to find you passed out drunk not to mention you left the alcohol cabinet open to her disposal." Tk said looking at his dad " I didn't mean to ." Owen said "you know dad just because you used to get shitfaced around me when I was a kid and permanently screw me up doesn't mean that you can do the same with my kid ." Tk said " relax she's not scarred." Owen said "I had your mother yell at me for years about this now your doing it to your so much like her ." Owen said " moms the reason your still here dad because if she didn't get in you about drinking your ass would be in a casket ." Tk said " we trusted you with our kid and what did you do you went and got drunk and passed out ." Tk said "stop acting like I screwed you up your perfectly fine ." Owen said " I didn't have a dad for half of my childhood you choose the firehouse over your family I know you and mom had your issues but you choose your firehouse over your Own son you didn't show up till I got into drugs and even now your not always around ." Tk said " your not reliable dad .." Tk said

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