Ill take care of you ch.25

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*tw mentions of eating disorder *
Tk woke up rubbing his eyes noticing Carlos was awake "hey your up .." Tk said about to strand "I wouldn't try to stand ." Carlos attested "I'm fine ." Tk said walking over sitting. On Carlos's bed " am I in the dog house ?" Carlos asked "depends if you have a good reason that you couldn't wait 2 minutes for backup ." Tk said rubbing Carlos's good leg

"It was stupid to do I'm sorry I put you in that position ." Carlos said rubbing Tk's hand "it's fine ." Tk said running his had through his hair "but it's not it's not fine ." Carlos said "I was stupid reckless I put myself in danger as if that wasn't enough I put you in danger by making you go into an Unstable structure and if that wasn't bad enough you had to give me a blood transfusion." Carlos said holding Tk's hand "I didn't mind ." Tk said " 2 pints of blood Is to much Ty your lucky your not in a hospital bed yourself ." Carlos said "I love you and knowing I put you in that position makes me feel bad cause you could have got hurt ." Carlos said Tk looked at Carlos " hey look I'm fine I promise no scratches bruises nothing ." Tk said "is that mine ?" Carlos asked looking at the blood that was left on Carlos uniform "yeah .." Tk said " are your sure your okay your not gonna faint are you you don't have dizziness?" Carlos asked "I'm good and either way it's just dizziness ." Tk said " the doctors have to run a few more test to make sure your good but we will go home and I'll get you settled ." Tk said " how long ?" Carlos said "3 weeks and then 2 weeks of pt ." Tk said "so I took overnight shifts so I'm with you in the day and when I leave you'll be asleep ." Tk said " ty you can't do that for 5 weeks .. you'll go there and come back and you'll be tired and you'll still trying to help me ." Carlos said "I've done it before it's nothing ." He assured

Later that night they finally got home Tk let Carlos put all his weight on him " you wanna shower or sleep and shower in the morning?" He asked Carlos "shower please I smell like ash." Carlos said "k" Tk said putting Carlos down on the guest bed it was pretty much routine that when one was injured they used the guest room as their bedroom until the other one was better " you tried to call me ..." Carlos said as Tk started the shower " yeah it's not a big deal I just heard about how much snow we were supposed to get wanted to tell you to be safe and that I loved you ." Tk said walking back to Carlos Tk helped Carlos get out of his shirt going smoothly over the cast as Tk put a cast bag on top of his arm cast " do you think you can stand up so I can't take your pants off if you lean on me ?" Tk asked Carlos nodded as Tk removed Carlos's pants along with his underwear Tk put a bag onto Carlos's leg cast " okay do you think your good on your own or you need my help ." Tk asked " I think I can do it on my own how hard can it be ?" Carlos said " okay I'll be in the room if you need help just call ." Tk said

"Ty .." Carlos whined "I need help ." Carlos said " alright one second ." Tk said removing his own clothes heading into the shower Tk let Carlos lean on him as Tk placed Carlos under the shower head "I'm sorry ." Carlos said " don't be sorry ." Tk said as he started washing Carlos " that's what I'm here for to help." Tk said Tk started washing the dust of Carlos's face Carlos almost lost his balance "lean on me .." Tk said letting Carlos grip onto his shoulder Tk grabbed the shampoo rubbing it through Carlos hair " how are you so good at this ?" Carlos asked "well I shower everyday guess it's a skill I picked up ." Tk laughed "no taking care of people taking care of me ." Carlos said "I know you well I've learned what you like and what you don't do I wanna help anyway I can ." Tk said washing the conditioner out of Carlos's hair Carlos stopped Tk making their lips meet "thank you ." Carlos said as Tk smiled softly

Tk helped Carlos get out of the shower dry off and get changed and then he washed his own body in the shower before heading to the bedroom seeing Carlos on the bed "I told you not to wait up ." Tk said pulling on some sweats and a hoodie "I wanted to go to bed with you ." Carlos said as Tk sat on the bay window "you mean across ?" Tk laughed " your not sleeping on that are you ?" Carlos said " I told you when your injured I'm not sleeping with you number one because you kick in your sleep and two because your need room to stretch out and be comfy I like it here it's comfortable enough ." Tk said Carlos sighed "ty." Carlos said " it's actually good you stayed up because you have to eat something to take your meds " Tk said " I'll be back ." Tk said Tk came back with some cereal and Tk's meds "what about you ?" Carlos asked " I ate at the hospital and I don't have to take meds so eat up ." Tk said " Tk I didn't see you eat anything at the hospital in fact I don't remember when the last time I did see you eat something .." Carlos said " you were out for a few hours I had some oatmeal ." Tk said " I've been eating at the station a lot lately Paul keeps making his big meals they keep me full ." Tk said

Later that night Carlos watched Tk sleep on the bay window with a blanket and a pillow along with his tiger stuffy that Carlos gave him at the hospital Carlos was worried about Tk he hasn't seen him eat in a whole a few days even he claimed he was eating at the station and Carlos choose to believe him

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