How are you ch.50

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Tk woke up in the morning seeing his little brother sleeping on his chest and then he remembered he forgot to call Carlos last night so he grabbed his phone form the nightstand and opened it up

He clicked FaceTime and waited for it to ring when Carlos picked up he saw the love of his life " sorry I forgot to call you last night ." Tk said before Carlos even got a word out " Ty it's fine I figured you fell asleep ." Carlos said "you okay you look flushed ?" Tk said " me yeah I'm fine don't go all paramedic on me strand ." Carlos laughed tk laughed at the joke " I'm not even there trust me if I was you would probably being stuffed with fluids right now ." Tk said

"Love the bed head ." Carlos smiled " at its finest ." Tk said yawning " so is your mom happy to see you ?" Carlos asked trying to avoid the subject " yeah we spent the night blowing up balloons for Leo ." Tk laughed " speaking of the little birthday bug how's he doing ?" Carlos said tk turned the camera toward his chest showing Leo sleeping peacefully " based on the level of numbness in my arm very well ." Tk laughed " He's so cute like his big brother ." Carlos said " your very sweet ." Tk smiled "hey hows wills? How'd her first dance class go did he like it ?" Tk asked smiling " she loved it she was dancing around the house all night after ." Carlos laughed " and how are you doing ?" Tk said looking at Carlos lovingly "missing you ." Carlos said " that's not what I asked I asked how you were doing ." Tk said "I'm good having fun with Willow and baileys keeping me company in bed ." Carlos said

" so your cheating on me with a dog ." Tk laughed " she's not really my taste ." Carlos laughed "I should go make breakfast for Willow for school but I'll call you later have fun celebrating with your mom and Leo ." Carlos said " love you ." Carlos said " love you tell Willow I said hi and that I miss her ." Tk said " I will ." Carlos said

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