Never forget ch.93

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When Carlos got home he put the food on he turned to get some plates noticing the note on the fridge "went to work shift ends at 12 don't wait up x" Carlos said under his breath " tk.." Carlos said grabbing his keys

He arrived at the station and walked into the kitchen seeing the team " is tk here ?" Carlos said setting his keys down on the counter " they left on a call about 5 minutes ago ." Marian said giving a slight frown at Carlos " I should've known he was gonna do this .." Carlos said rubbing his face " Carlos this ain't on you the boys unpredictable ." Judd said clapping Carlos on the shoulder " how are you guys doing ?" Carlos asked gently " alright I guess .." Paul said " wish we could say the same about Tk .." Mateo said Carlos gave them a questioning look " Tk has a tendency to keep himself busy when he's hurting most hence coming into work today just hours after -" Marian said " moral of the story the boys trying to bury his grief just like he did with his mom dying and when he cracks it's only gonna hurt more ." Judd said " Tommy's tried to get him to go home we've tried ourselves Tommy just told us all to keep an eye on him letting him know where here if he wants to talk .." Paul said

" I just want him to talk to me .." Carlos said " he knows he can but he still doesn't with this stuff." Carlos said " he lost his mom now he lost his dad maybe he's afraid ." Grace said " afraid of what ?" Carlos asked " losing you ." Grace said " Tk confided in his parents they helped him with getting sober and his addiction not to mention bipolar owen told us before how tk felt like a burden and now that there gone he doesn't want to be a burden to you cause he's afraid he will lose you to -" grace said " he's had to deal with more than anyone should ever have to he lost his mom to bipolar and he lost his dad to cancer he almost lost you to a brain tumor
and then you guys had the scare of the relapse of your brain tumor not to mention his bipolar and his addiction -" Paul said

Tk got home later that night closing the door softly behind him putting his work bag in the closet before heading upstairs the room was dark Tk got a hoodie out of the closet pulling it on when he came out of the closet ( A/N listen up you gays I know how it sounds ) the bedroom light was on and Carlos was just sitting their starring at him " Jesus Carlos you scared me ." Tk said climbing in his side of the bed "sorry ." Carlos said "why are you still up its late ?"Tk said slipping the cover up over carlos's shoulder " I was waiting for you.." Carlos said giving a little frown " im sorry I should have told you -" tk said before Carlos cut him off "im not mad at you I just worry about you and with all today's events I know your not okay.." Carlos said "im okay I promise just go to sleep." tk said placing a kiss on Carlos's head running his finger through his curls "you know I love you right ?" Carlos said looking tk in the eyes "you never let me forget ." Tk said

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