Cant stay away from you ch.60

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Tk didn't stay away long hell he didn't even leave the hospital parking lot sitting there talking to Carlos something just broke him the doctors telling him that if Carlos doesn't wake up soon and there no hope that he should have arrangements in place for when they pull him off the ventilator Tk really reprised the best to keep his composure during all of it part of that was was keeping himself busy he would sleep at the hospital overnight then go home shower and see willow get her ready for school and make her breakfast and

He would then take her to school on his way to work Tommy suggested that especially with what he has going on to take time off of work especially since him and Nancy covered for her when she goes out every other month to spend time with her girls since Charles passing but with Nancy out for personal matters it was just him and Timmy and he wasn't gonna leave Tommy short staffed he wouldn't even think of that He would go to work then he would pick willow up from school help her with her homework and spend time with her and then Tk's dad would come over and and babysit her Tk said he really didn't have to and that he would figure something out but Owen loved spending time with willow they always had a good time so then Tk would go to the hospital and and do the same thing the next day with all that he really had no time to lose his shit was his emotions going over the top yes Tk tended to get really quiet when it came to Carlos getting hurt or medical scares he hadn't talk to his dad about anything he kept to himself

" I think he's trying to distract himself ." Mateo whispered to the rest of the team as he went to exit the kitchen " Mateo you can't whisper to save you per life and I'm not I'm just doing my job not distracting myself ." Tk said as he walked away

He remembered that from the station everyone was concerned he was avoiding his pain wasn't he still felt the sting of the situation but did I distracting himself help numb the pain sure that could be said tears flowed down Tk's face Tk wiped his face trying to collect himself "okay ." Tk sighed getting out of the car

Tk walked back into the hospital to see his dad outside Carlos's room "dad what happened?" Tk said worried his breathing stopped "someone wants to talk to you ." His dad smiled letting Tk look into the room "Go see your boy son ." Owen said smiling patting him on the shoulder Tk walked in closing the door behind him "you came back .." Tk said as he felt his shoulders finally loosen "I told you I wasn't going to leave ." Carlos said slowly Tk walked over to Carlos bed tears in his eyes hugging him "you didn't leave .." Tk said burring his head into Carlos neck Carlos felt Tk's tears land on his skin he wrapped his arms around Tk

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