bubbles ch.69

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Tk fell asleep after an hour or two as much as Carlos wanted to stay and just hold him he did promise Willow he would play and he didn't want to let her down

"Papa!" Willow smiled as he had a tea party with her stuffed animals " mind if I join baby ?" Carlos said smiling at her Carlos joined her at her play table "tea?" She asked " yes please ." Carlos said "papa ?" Willow said, " what's up baby ?" Carlos asked looking up at the girl "am I going to get adopted ?" She asked picking at her fingers " well I and daddy want to adopt you but we wanted to give you time to figure out what you want ." Carlos said stroking her hair "I wanna be adopted ." She said smiling "can you braid my hair ?" She asked " that's daddy's domain im horrible at braiding

Carlos came upstairs to get ready for bed tk was back starring at the walls Carlos turned the bath on putting bubbles in it and dimming the lights in the hope to calm tk he went over to tk picking him up taking him to the bathroom as tk started whining as he was taken from his wall the thing was when tk had his episodes his focus was on walls when he got taken from the wall he panicked he never talked to anybody he didn't he know they were there he was in his bubble "hey hey hey it's okay it's okay sweetie I'm just gonna give you a bath okay ?" Carlos said tk was still on that dang wall Carlos went to remove Tk's shirt then his pants his boxers Carlos picked him up putting him in the bubble bath "your okay .." Carlos said washing tk with the loofa Carlos put the bubbles through Tk's hair "it will be over soon I promise ." Carlos said washing Tk's hair

Carlos got tk out of the bath and got him dressed in one of his APD hoodies and some black sweatpants And put him back in bed as tk returned to his wall "you're gonna have to teach me how to French braid ." Carlos said kissing Tk's head

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