Level of concern ch.87

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Tk walked into work the day after which caught everyone's attention and concern

"Hey bud.. wasn't expecting you to be in today ." Nancy said " well here I am ." Tk said "I'm gonna go get changed ." Walking up to the bunk room "was that just Tk ?" Tommy said coming from the supply room " yup .." Nancy said turning around as they exchanged looks " Nancy just look after him today considering the news he got yesterday." Tommy said "always cap ." Nancy said

Nancy went to the bunk room seeing Tk buttoning his shirt "hey T ?" Nancy said sitting on the bench " what's up ?" Tk said turning around shutting his locker " you know if you need a day me and cap got you -." Nancy said "thanks but I'm okay ." Tk said sitting next to her on the bench "Tk you know I consider you like a little brother right ." Nancy said looking at Tk as he picked at his fingers "Nancy you don't -."Tk said looking at her " Tk I would do anything to protect you and I know you would do the same ." Nancy said " because your accident prone ass has before ." Nancy joked getting a laugh from Tk " you sound like Carlos ." Tk said " hey he should've be proud you've been out of the hospital for almost a year a month and a half and you'll be at a year ." Nancy said teasing Tk " can I give you a hug ?" Nancy said as Tk gave and accepting look he brought her arms around him " you need anything you know I got you ." Nancy said " thanks Nance ." Tk said giving her a little smile

They arrived a the Port of Galveston as they were being led onto a cruise ship " I didn't know cruises said out of Austin Mateo said " they do every now and then ." Judd said " what are we dealing with ." Tommy and Judd asked as they all stood in the elevator heading up to the pool deck " we got one person stuck in a water slide and a bunch of people with burns from being boiled in the pool ." The captain said " I'm sorry did you say boiled ?" Tommy questioned " our pool is heated the system must have malfunctioned and overheated the water " the captain said " okay Paul Marjan you two go work on the person stuck in the water slide Tommy will go with you Mateo help Tk and Nancy triage the burn victims ." Judd said " copy cap ." They said

Tk got the case of cold water from the ambulance bringing it to the pool deck " nance ." Tk said tossing her a water as they dumped the cold water over the burn patches " Mateo numbing cream ." Nancy said " on it ." Mateo said " starting and IV management ." Tk said " ma'am I'm gonna put some numbing cream and put on some dressing it shouldn't hurt if it does squeeze my arm okay " Tk you need anything ." Mateo said " no why ?" Tk asked " cause theirs a mass casualty at the water slide that we're gonna need all hands on deck for " by mass casualty you mean -." Tk said

When Nancy and Tk arrived up at the water slide they saw what they never thought could be possible " that's not good .." Mateo said "cap ." Nancy said looking at Tommy " tell me you have a plan ." Nancy said " we gotta start this water slide up again ." Tommy said looking at Tk and Nancy " we do that she'll cook ." Tk said " I mean with our water ." Tommy said as everyone exchanges concerned looks next thing they knew the firehouse was connected to the water system for the water slide Tk and Nancy down to the pool deck she is gonna come out the other end and if the arm isn't preserved we have no chance of saving her ." Tommy said

The Woman came out the other end with her arm not far behind " cap we've got her Nancy's dressing her now and her arm is going into preservation ." Tk said over the radio " thank god." Tommy said under her breath

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