Moving on ch.95

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It was time to say goodbye.
It wasn't goodbye forever it was more of a see you later .
Regardless Tk needed closure there was a lot of things Tk never got the closure for and today he was gonna

Grace and Judd volunteered to watch willow for them " hey brother -" Judd said stopping Tk before they left " hm?" Tk said " whatever you need to do .. do it ." Judd said Tk gave a nod " I love you alright ." Judd said hugging tight " thanks Judd .." Tk said

Once they got back in the car Carlos looked over at Tk " you sure you wanna do this ?" Carlos said " yeah .." Tk said looking at Carlos

After 22 hour car ride they finally arrived in Los Angeles California on the beach where his father was a lifeguard ,where his father decided he wanted to be a firefighter , where his father proposed to his mother..

Tk and Carlos stood on the edge of the empty pier " god they were so happy .." Tk said as he looked at the photo of his mom and dad standing right where they were now right after they got engaged "was this right after they got engaged ?" Carlos asked " yeah they loved this beach my dads threw my mom in the ocean right after this photo .." Tk smiled as he looked out at the ocean " she always used to tell me how he ruined her favorite dress but she didn't care because if the memories that came from it .." Tk said

"I can't believe there both gone .." Tk said " there not gone cause there in here .." Carlos said pointing to Tk's heart "and I see pieces of them in you everyday." Carlos said stroking Tk's face " they might not be here but they still love you Infinity and that's never gonna stop .." Carlos said

" I think I'm ready ." Tk said taking a deep breath here Tk held his fathers ashes "Dad ..I love you I hope your proud of me .." Tk said pausing to collect himself " I'll take care of buttercup I promise .." Tk said letting a little laugh out " I love you dad .." Tk said as he released the ashes into the ocean Tk watched as a wave took the ashes away as tears formed in his eyes " do you think he's happy ?" Tk asked looking at Carlos " I think he's at peace ." Carlos said looking a tk " I love you ." Carlos said bringing Tk into a hug " and I've never been more proud of you .." Carlos said

For the rest of the day the two looked out on the pier watching the waves " thank you ." Tk smiled at Carlos " I don't think I would've been able to do that if you weren't here .." Tk said " you'll never have to do anything alone .." Carlos smiled " excuse me ?" A photographer said from behind them "would you two like a photo ?" They asked " sure ." Carlos smiled at Tk

The photographer gave them the picture the two held the pictures side by side Owen and Gwynn and Tk and Carlos " you better not Throw me in the ocean ." Tk laughed " wanna bet ." Carlos laughed picking Tk up " don't you dare !" Tk said Carlos threw Tk in Tk dragged Carlos under not long after " I love you ." Tk said kissing Carlos in the middle of the ocean

See y'all in trust worthy part 3!

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