His girls ch.30

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Carlos and Nancy sat together in a room watching tk it was silent at first until Carlos got curious about what actually happened out in the cold Austin blizzard

" what happened out in the snow storm ?" Carlos asked rubbing Tk's hand " well tk went out on the ice he insisted and he was the only one who would actually be certified to out if the three of us but he dived his head into get the water and then the ice cracked and he fell in .." Nancy said "take you time Nance." Carlos said rubbing her shaking hand " the van slid down and got stuck so we got into the minivan we were was so focused on helping the kid that we didn't even noticed he was on the verge of severe hypothermia and then when the other team showed up to take the kid to memorial tk disappeared ."

" I was always so worried about one of us being violated on a call cause in all honesty we have gone to some sketchy places but when me and Tommy found a trail of his clothes I was worried ." Nancy said as Carlos cut him off "wait hold up so he stripped in freezing cold weather and you saw his .." Carlos said " it's called paradoxical undressing caused when all the heat left in his body heads to the core to protect his important organs from shutting down before the completely freeze making him feel like he's burning and god No and Tk's lucky I didn't because I would have teased him but cap covered him with a heat blanket ." Nancy said

" did you know he speaks Hebrew ?" She asked Carlos nodded " he sleep talks so he mumbled a few words which wasn't a surprise since his mom was Jewish ." Carlos said " I've never knew he sleep talked .." Nancy said " he only does it when he's extremely exhausted or when he's having a nightmare which he's had quite a few of.." Carlos said kissing Tk's hand " I was there for one of Tk's nightmares fire was out on a call and Tommy was calling her kids down me and tk went to get some sleep but I woke up to him screaming it's hard to see him like that ..." she said

" how many languages does he speak ?" Nancy asked " he knows Hebrew I believe a little bit of Russian and he knows some Spanish learned that the hard way ." Carlos said " spill ." Nancy said " one day me and tk were having a disagreement and I mumbled my frustrations under my breath in Spanish .." Carlos said " you did not ." Nancy said " he knew some of what I said I was in the doghouse that night ." Carlos said Nancy laughed. " I'm sure he appreciates you looking after his girls ." Nancy said " he hates when Me and Tommy call us his girls because he says we are "woman first of all and not girls very independent bad ass woman who don't need any man and that he doesn't own or anyone for that fact ." Nancy laughed " I've heard him bring that up quite a few times ." Carlos laughed " but we are he takes care of us brings us breakfast and coffee let's us get sleep and restocks the truck and cleans and disinfects it Switches shifts with us incase we have plans or something comes up he babysits for Tommy and hes my wing man ." " and that asshole just went off to die in a blizzard cause he didn't want to bother us ." Nancy said " he's a really good guy ." Nancy said " he's gonna wake up Nancy ." Carlos said rubbing her shoulder Carlos wanted Nancy to believe it even if he doesn't himself

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