Kissing Chemistry (G0ldCharm)

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Story by: G0ldCharm

Author of:

"The Devil's Attorney",

"This Time Around",

"The Advisor",

"My Random Diyue One-Shots & Prompts"

Title of the story: "Kissing Chemistry"

Song: "Daydreamin'" by Ariana Grande

"Chemistry between people is the strangest science of all

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"Chemistry between people is the strangest science of all." - Bridgett Devoue

Song by Ariana Grande
You walked in
Caught my attention
I've never seen
A man with so much dimension
It's the way you walk
The way you talk
The way you make me feel inside
It's in your smile
It's in your eyes
I don't wanna wait for tonight
So I'm daydreamin'
With my chin in the palm of my hands
About you
And only you

Yue's POV:

In physics, the term order and disorder describes the presence or absence of symmetry.

And in my case the disorder to the order was precisely what brought me to this hallmark moment.

I'm not one to believe in fairytales or that type of overwhelming feelings caught between shock and complete fascination, but I did believe in every form of science specially chemistry...the kissing Chemistry.

First there was a disorder, yes, a disorder with my daydreams.

When time and space are balanced between reality and drifting attention towards internal thoughts.

If everything else was complicated, I was the one to add the chemistry...

Going back to my dilemma, I was out of my mind. I was seeing things.

I had to blink a couple times to phase myself. In front of me was the most attractive human being I had ever seen. He was royalty for sure.

I stifled a laugh. I was surely dreaming, yet I didn't remember when I fell asleep.

Somehow, I had passed out after working at the lab.

While playing with science there was a level of insanity and I was sure experiencing such mental imbalance.


That's what it was, an insane dream with the yummiest looking man, creature, whatever he was.

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