Justice League vs Suicide Squad Vol.5

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Maxwell Lord: And Now

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Maxwell Lord: And Now...The White House.

Superman came flying through and making a hole in the white house, Security started shooting Superman but the Man of Steel just pushed them aside with the strong wind of his super speed.

Maxwell Lord: Within Thirthy minutes.

Superman: Yes, Max. safe.

Maxwell Lord: You're bore Superman. It's not fun saving the world if there's is no one I enjoy with it. I need someone who Will appreciate what I've accomplished. Where is Amanda Waller?

Location: Remains of the Belle reve base.

Unknown time and location

Everything was dark. Dead Shoot really thought it was over this time but he felt alive, could he still move so was he alive?

DeadShot: Are we dead?

He tapped the lamp on his arm a few times until it lit up and saw that somehow the rocks that had to crush them were held up in the air.

Batman: New tech I've been developing. Wire mish shielding deployed during earthquakes.

DeadShot: That didn't feel like any earthquake, Bats ... but we're still trapped with the lovely headless handiwoprk of your friend there. Not the first time I've been buried underground with a body.

Amanda Waller: Dammit. Belle reve comunications are down. I have no idea of ​​the hearth of darkness is still secure ...

Batman: More than belle reve is jammed, Waller. I can't connect to my own systems.

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