Chapter 27: Attack

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Anakin and Ahsoka along with R2 and R7 were flying above the skies of Cato Neimoidia. The battle wasn't going at all well until the added support of the 501st and their Jedi leaders. The ground assaults were thin in numbers but we're pushing the droids back in firepower with the help of some of their best fighters. The air attacks had been failing even more but with the added expertise of Anakin as a war-renowed pilot the tide of the battle was most certainly changing. "Snips! On your left!" Anakin shouted over the comn channel.

"I see them!" Ahsoka replied as she spun her fighter around to shoot down the incoming buzzdroids. They came at her thick and fast but Ahsoka was better. After a few moments of intense firepower the blasters on her fighter cooled but they didn't have long before R7 beeped with an incoming signal. Ahsoka sighed, it was a Vulture droid. They were artificial intelligent pilot droids that were vastly capable of taking down the unprepared or inexperienced flyer. Ahsoka was none of those things though. Shifting gears, she managed to perform a loop-de-loop and end up behind the droid before shooting them down as well.

The sound of chaos and confusion could be heard over the comn channel from Anakin's ship but when Ahsoka looked back she could see that it was just some remaining buzz droids being taken out by R2. "R2! Look out!" Anakin yelled at his droid as a blaster shot fired overhead, barely missing the little blue droid. "Aww! Come on! R2, something's wrong with my ship! Woah!" There was the sound of crashing coming from his starfighter which caused some concern in his young Padawan.

"Master, are you okay? R2! What's going on?" R2 beeped a series of events back at her. "Unconscious?! How did that happen? R2, dip your wing, let me see what's underneath." The droid did as she instructed and Ahsoka gasped to see the underside of Anakin's starship covered in many buzzdroids. R2 heard her gasp. "No, no! Don't worry, it's not too bad but I think it's a good idea for you to land now." Ahsoka flew in front of the failing ship and guided the R2 unit to a nearby cliff that wasn't overrun with droids or clones. "Land here!" Ahsoka ordered as she flew to land by the side as her Master approached with high speed. "R2, slow down!" Ahsoka yelled out to the droid but it was too late.

The ship crashed with an almighty bang that sent dirt, mud and debris flying everywhere. R2 managed to turn the ship and tilt it on its side so that it slowed down and ejected Anakin from the cockpit. However R2 went flying over the cliff as well as the starfighter itself. "R2!" Ahsoka yelled as she overlooked the cliff to try and spot any sign of her Master's beloved droid. At first glance she couldn't see anything bit then the michevious droid popped his head over the edge and flew to safety usuibh his rocket launchers.

Anakin started to groan as he came to. "Ughh, Snips? Where are we? What happened? WHERE IS MY SHIP?" Anakin started to panic as he rubbed his head but Ahsoka just knelt in front of him with a patronising smile.

"You're ship crashed, I saved you. You're welcome." She pulled her Master to his feet while he frowned.

"Really? That doesn't seem right."

Ahsoka grinned at him. "Just check with R2 or R7. They'll tell you what I'm saying is true." The pair laughed at each other but then Anakin's holo-transmitter went off.

Answering it, Master and Padawan were greeted with the holographic face of Master Yoda. "Master Yoda, is everything okay?" Anakin asked.

Yoda looked older and wearier, shaking his head he spoke to them. "No, return to Coruscant immediately, you must."

Anakin and Ahsoka glanced at each other. It sounded serious but they were in the middle of a battle! They couldn't just leave! "I'm sorry Master but that doesn't seem-"

"Skywalker! Understand, you do not. Under attack, the Jedi Temple has been. Return to Coruscant immediately, you must." Yoda came close to snapping at the pair but Ahsoka had been stunned onto silence while Anakin looked dazed.

Eventually, he nodded. "Of course Master, we'll be there as soon as possible." Yoda nodded gravely as the transmission ended and the pair started to make their way off Cato Neimoidia.


Master Yoda hadn't explained the serverity of the attack. One hanger of the Jedi Temple was completely burned to a crisp although fire droids were working hard to make it a useful crime scene. Nearby parts of the Temple were also a bit burned bit nothing to horrendous that they couldn't repair it. "Snips, are you okay?" Anakin checked with his Padawan, knowing that this situation could be distressing for her. Although she didn't take her eyes off the destruction, Ahsoka did managed a small nod before Anakin wrapped his arm around her in a hug.

As they landed, Anakin and Ahsoka were immediately sent to the Jedi Council Chambers where the worried faces of the Jedi Masters awaited them. "What happened? Was anyone hurt?" Ahsoka asked immediately before anyone could say anything.

Mace Windu looked at the others before replying. "It was the middle of a work day in the hanger so there were people in there but thankfully they have all sustained injuries that will heal over time. We have no idea how something like this happened." Everyone in the room looked especially worried.

Ahsoka couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I can't believe someone would attack something so sacred as the Jedi Temple." While it was surprising, the other Jedi could believe it.

"This war is getting less and less popular everyday it continues and there are those out there who feel as though the Jedi aren't doing a very good job of leading the Republic." Obi-wan explained to her gently however it wasn't a suitable answer in Ahsoka's mind although she didn't say that.

Anakin stepped forward. "Is there anything Ahsoka and I can do?"

Mace Windu looked at Yoda who nodded. "We need some people alongside the police to investigate the matter-"

"The police? Surely this is an internal Jedi affair? Why are they getting involved?" Ahsoka demanded although this time Anakin did try to shush her.

"Clones died in that attack Padawan Tano and the Senate tends to take notice of those things. As a result, it has included this a militarial operation as well. As I was saying, we need people alongside the police to investigate the matter and we can't yet rule out the possibility of it being an inside job. Seeing as you two were on Cato Neimoidia, you have an alibi. We need you two to help get to the bottom of this mystery, before things get out of hands." Anakin nodded as did Ahsoka before bowing and leaving the Masters as they went towards the crime scene.

I hope you enjoyed this daily chapter update. We've officially started the ending arc of Season 5. I hope you think I do it justice. I'll update again tomorrow most likely and I hope to finish this story before Christmas. Bye, bye.

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