Chapter 4: After The Match

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I'm changing now after the match. Everyone is really happy about us winning. We're having a party at Matthew and Jake's apartment, yes they live together, to celebrate our victory. I walk out of changing room and I see Rose standing in front of its door.

Ivy walks out behind me and pats my shoulder, she smirks at me and whispers quietly so Rose doesn't hear her "Are you sure you two aren't dating?" I shove her away and go to Rose. She immediately wraps her arms around my neck (because of height difference, sad) to pull me in a hug. She pulls away, her hands on my shoulders. "You were amazing, congratulations!" My heart skips a beat.

I try to hug her back and accidentally touch her arm. She winces in pain and I immediately retreat my hand. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to."
"Hey, don't worry. I'm used to it." My face fell and I think she just noticed what she said. Sadness shows on her face. I guess she got remembered of the reason of her pain. "Are you going home? I'll walk you home if you want." I offer. "Actually I..." she got silent, there's pain in her eyes. Just what the hell happened to her? I hate seeing her like that. Think, think, how to make her happy?! What if I...

"Can I go to your house?" she interupted my thoughts with her question. What? "Oohhh...Okay." I'm confused, she didn't want to come to a sleepover when I invited her in the past but now she's asking herself. I'm not gonna oppose tho. Definitely not. "As a sleepover?"
"I mean if you don't mind." Please, why would I mind that? "Of course. I'd love to spend some time with you." And watch so you don't hurt yourself.

We walk side to side to the bus stop in front of her school. I talk about everything and nothing and she just listens and occasionally asks or adds something. We board the bus and go sit right at the back. It's past 6pm and the bus is almost empty. "Lilly?"
"Are you dating anyone?"
"No." Why would she ask that?
"I see." We just continue our talk until the bus arrived to the main bus station. We wait for around 10 minutes there before bus for my town arrives. We both live outside the city and just go there to school, but we don't live in the same town.

We board the bus and sit at the back again. It's late and there's no people on the bus except a few adults returning from work. We're only people at the back of the bus and I like this. Just me and her.

She yawns and leans on my shoulder, I guess she's sleepy (her sleeping habits were awful back then, I can't imagine how bad they're now). I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. There's setting sun shining directly on her face. She looks stunning in the light of sunset but I have to block it somehow in order for her to sleep comfortably.

I raise my left hand since she sits on my right and block the sun with it. Her breathing slows down, she's asleep. What a big baby, I smile. She's cute. I lean my head on hers and watch the landscape we're driving past. I thought I'm over her but just seeing her now everything came back. I still love her from the bottom of my heart. I'll protect her and the one who's hurt her will pay.

We're almost home so I reluctantly wake her up. I don't want to and if I could I'd carry her, but that's not realistic. We exit the bus and head to my house. We walk in comfortable silence. I keep my distance to not invade her personal space. All of a sudden I feel cold fingers touch mine. She takes hold of my hand. I look at our intertwined hands first and then to her eyes. She just chuckles and turns to front. I'm not going to ask why she did that. That's perfectly enough for me. I wish it could be like that everyday.

We just silently walked with our hands intertwined. When we come close to my house she lets go of my hand. It was nice as it lasted. Before I could open the fence door she stopped me. "Wait will your parents be okay with me suddenly staying here?"
"I don't know. Probably yes." She nods with expresion I can't read.

"I'm home!"
"Oh, you're back? I thought you're going to an afterparty after the match? How did it go?" my mum greets before I even walk to the living room. "We won! Guess who was an MVP (most valuable player)?" I say as I walk into the living room. "You of course." mum stands up and hugs me. "That's my daughter!" my dad proudly shouts.

"Uhhh, I brought someone over for tonight. "
"Oh, who?"
"Come here Rose!" Rose slowly walks in. "Oh, we haven't seen you for a long time. How come you've met?"
"Match was at Rose's school. We just happened to meet and decided to catch up a little and I've kinda brought her here."
"That's nice. Okay I'll leave you girls to go to your room and I'll cook dinner. Anything our Tiny Ace wants to eat?"
:( They all laugh. I hear Rose's laugh. What a blessing to my ears. I hope she'll stay like this, smiling and laughing, I'll make sure of this. She deserves happiness. "Pancakes please," I say, grab Rose's wrist and pull her upstairs to my room.

I close the door and sigh. "Well that was embarrassing."
"No, it was cute," she smiles.
"No, it wasn't."
"Yes it was."
"You're cuter." Uh-oh. She looks away. Sh!t. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomf-" My words get cut when she suddenly hugs me. "Don't apologize. You're not making me uncomfortable." I hug her back. "I have one question... Are you still in love with me?" I freeze.

R̶a̶i̶n̶Shinebow (GXG) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu