Chapter 22: Rose's Surprise

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This week our town has a festival. There are food stands, games and stages for performances. Rosy invited me on a date here today.

But right now I'm here walking alone. She told me that she'll meet me here, because she needs to dress up.

I'm so hopelessly in love with her. I already miss her, and as I'm walking I feel a ghost sensation of her fingers interlaced with mine.

I sit down on a bench and wait for her. There's a stage next to me. She's late. Where are you Rosy!? I'm getting worried now. What if something bad happened. Her parents usually come to these kinds of festivals, what if they stopped at her grandparents' and had a fight with her!

Lost in my thoughts, being worried about my girlfriend, I vaguely hear a voice announcing that performances of talented singers in our town will begin.

Music starts playing and someone starts singing on the stage. I'm getting more and more nervous now. I'm deciding if I should go and check. No, no, calm down Lilly, she's probably just forgotten about the time. I just sit there fighting with myself as I finally decide.

I stand up and make a few steps. Suddenly wind blows the voice of my beloved one to me:

"Hello everyone! I hope you're all having fun." I hastily turn around and run to the audience in front of the stage.

"Today I'm going to sing you a song. I prepared something really special. I wrote this song myself. It's tittle is Infinity. It's a surprise gift for someone special." My jaw falls open. I feel my heart warm up. I never expected that. The anxiety from before has disappeared without a trace, now replaced by love.

"It's for the love of my life, my soulmate. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Thank you for not giving up on me and staying with me at my worst times." She says with that smile of hers I love the most. She grabs the microphone and starts singing.

(James Young - Infinity (with minor change))

Oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh

Baby, this love
I'll never let it die
Can't be touched by no one
I'd like to see 'em try

I take a better look at her now. She looks absolutely gorgeous. She's wearing a pink dress that ends right above her ankles. Her hair is curled in glamurous brown waves, falling on her shoulders. Her lips are painted boldly red and I have to force myself to not stare at them.

I'm going crazy for your touch, girl, I've lost control

I blush at this line, remembering the events of that night in forest.

Wait a minute- Oh my god! She used the word 'girl'. She finally stopped caring about other people's opinions!

I'm gonna make this last forever, no one can tell us it's impossible

'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)

I love you even more, my dear.

Oh, darling, my soul
You know it aches for yours
And you've been filling this hole
Since you were born, oh

'Cause you're the reason I believe in fate, you're my paradise
And I'll do anything to be your love so I can call you mine

I'm all yours, Rosy.

'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)

She finally notices me in the crowd and locks her gaze with mine. I'm frozen in place just drowning in her eyes.

You've met me at the bottom of the ocean
Where the time is frozen
Where all the universe is open
Love isn't random, we are chosen
Because you make me feel loved
I'm alive because of you
You saved me, thank you

I think I've just shed a tear or two.

'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
'Cause I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)
I love you for infinity (oh, oh, oh)

The music finishes, but I keep looking at her. And she's looking back at me. The audience erupts in claps and cheers. She bows and still keeps her gaze on me. The MC comes back on stage.

"Everyone Rose Blue. Applause." He claps and that's what makes her avert her eyes. "Wow, Rose. That was amazing. Those lyrics are really emotional." She smiles at the praise.

"Could you invite your boyfriend to the stage if he's here please." Uh-oh. I start panicking a little. Just say he's not here, please.

To my surprise Rose chuckles. "You should listen to the lyrics more attentive. It's not 'him', but 'her'." The MC looks a little bit thrown off, but still smiles afterwards. "Well then, let's see who's the lucky lady that got this amazing singer-songwriter," he jokes a little.

She looks back at me and smiles widely tilting her head signaling me to come there. I start making my way through the crowd. Suddenly I hear someone shout:

"Rose Blue! Stop the nonsense! You love a guy! My daughter is not some creep!" Sh!t, it's them. Her parents. I quickly look at her and see fear on her face. Her eyes seem like tears can spill from them any second.

I rush my way to the stage and run up the stairs to the stage. I immediately pull her in a hug. "Don't worry. I'll take care of this. Just please don't cry. Whatever they will say, don't listen to them. Nothing is wrong with you. Remember, love is love, no matter what. It's us against the world, Rosy."

I pull away and glare at her parents that are standing right below the stage. "Come down in this second, you disgrace, and stop with those antics. You had almost a year and you're still not okay. I knew you needed help-" I open my mouth to yell back but...

"Stop it already." I widen my eyes realizing that someone has just stepped up for us. It's someone I don't know from the crowd. "How can you say this to your own daughter! Didn't you see her eyes?! How happy she is with her!?" I hear another voice: "She is right: love is love, no matter the gender!" I hear a lot of voices: "Nothing's wrong with you two!" "You're not alone!" "Don't listen to them!" "We support you."

I feel tears in my eyes and look at Rose. She's looking at the crowd with surprised expression. "Ahem, ahem. Everybody calm down!" The audience slowly stops yelling and looks at the MC. "Well said, little one." I realize he's talking to me. I look at him confused. He laughs a little. "We all heard what you said to her." He chuckles, "Maybe next time don't speak directly in the microphone." Oh.

"Everyone, give a big round of applause for this sweet young couple fighting against the prejudices." The crowd cheers and we slowly exit the stage at the back. Before we leave I take a look back at where her parents were standing. They're not here anymore. I see them leaving.

We just head back to her grandparents'. "Well that was something Sunshine! That was unbeliavable. I can't believe this has happened."
"I still can't believe anything with you happened. Years of longing and then this," I smile at her. "You showed me that 'Nothing is impossible, everything is possible.' It's like a fairytale or a dream." She pecks my lips. "It's better then that. It's real." She looks at me with absolute adoration.
"Let's just go and cuddle on the couch." I place a gentle kiss on the back of her hand and nod.

"Thank you for what you did back there. You're the best girlfriend a girl could want. I love you more than I can express with words." She leans down and kisses me. "You love me for infinity," I whisper in the kiss. I feel her lips smile against mine.

"I love your song."
"I thought you love me?"
"Oh and that too." She giggles and kisses me again.

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