Chapter 6: Truths Pt. 2

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I wake up in the middle of the night. I hear sobs and feel shuffling behind my back. I turn on a small lamp on my bedside table and look at Rose. She's having a nightmare. I shake her shoulders and she wakes up. She burst out crying and throws herself at me. She hugs me so strong that I lose my balance and fall back on the bed. She's sobbing hard and I can't do other than rub her back and whisper comforting words. Nightmares now!? Oh someone is so going to pay!

When her sobs calm down she helps me back up. "I think I owe you an explanation."
"No! You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"I want to. I have to get this off my chest." She sits opposite of me and takes my hand.

"It all started about half a year ago. As you know I was dating Jason at that time. We had a lot of fights but always reconciled." I clench my fist. I hate this guy. He's made her cry so many times. Wait- 'was'?

"But then... " she took a deep breath.. "There was this playgirl at our school. She went around kissing everyone, boys and girls. She caught me at the back of our school. She kissed me and... I liked it... so we kind of...made out." She what? "Someone saw us and took pictures." Oh sh!t. "Whoever that was, printed them and put them around the school. Only my face was visible on them and of course school called my parents." Oh god. Some tears escape her eyes. I cup her cheek and wipe them with my thumb.

"My parents, they... they kicked me out."
"Rose. I'm so sorry." I hug her tight. "I live with my grandparents now. You know the ones who live here in the same town as you. We've been living really close to each other. "She smiles bitterly. "I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I wanted to go see you a couple of times but I thought you probably hate me now." I pull away that much I can look in her eyes. Oh how much I love those beautiful brown eyes. "Rose Blue. Now I want you to listen carefully. I could never, NEVER, hate you. I love you. Okay? " I say emphasizing each word. I hug her, kiss her temple and caress her back.

TW: mentioned s3xu@l assault

"That's not all." There's more!? "Jason found out. He cursed at me... badly. He also... He... " she burst out crying. "Shhh. It's okay. I'm here. You're safe." "He beat me up...badly and he wanted to... he tried to touch me but I was able to escape before anything could happen." She is shaking awfully now and crying waterfalls. "He still follows me sometimes and hits me."
"HE WHAT!? That's it. He's dead. How dare he! Ooooh I'll make sure he's gonna pay." She grabs onto me and cries in my shoulder. "No, please don't. He'll hurt you. Don't get hurt because of me. You're the only person in the last half a year that didn't judge me or anything worse. I can't lose you. All of my friends left me when they saw the pictures."

"You don't deserve this. You're precious and if they don't see that they're completely blind. You deserve all the happiness in this world." She lifts her head and looks at me. "I promise you I will be your personal sunshine and I will treat you like a queen, no a goddess, from now on." "Thank you," she whispers with a broken voice. "No, don't thank me. I'm doing what is right. No one should be treated like that." She hugs me and pulls me down so I'm lying now. She snuggles her face in my neck and wraps her arms around my torso. I hug her back and intertwine our legs. Quiet sobs can still be heard but eventually they stop and her breathing steadies. She's fallen asleep. I lean my head on hers and close my eyes too.


I wake up and see a goddess sleeping in my arms. I smile and brush some hair out of her face. I'm not going to wake her up, she needs her sleep. I don't know for how long I've been staring at her, with wide smile plastered on my lips, when she starts waking up.

"Good morning," she yawns. "Morning," I smile. Her face is so close to mine now. I'm nervous. "Can I...? Forget it, it's stupid." "Tell me," she insists. "Can I kiss your cheek?" I ask with my face burning red while looking away. She grabs my chin and makes me look into her eyes. "You don't have to be ashamed. You love me. That's a fact. You can kiss my cheeks anytime you want. It won't bother me and I know you have no bad intentions." My heart flutters and I lean closer to her. I tenderly place my lips on her cheek and quickly pull away. "You're so cute. You remind me of my puppy," she chuckles.

"I... I... uh... I think... we should go to breakfast... Yeah... let's go eat." I stutterly utter out. I quickly detach myself from her and escape to bathroom to change. I lean on sink and take deep breaths. Oh god, this girl. I wash my face, trying to get blush away. I quickly change and return to my room.

I open the door and quickly close it again. Oh no, no, no. She's changing. I facepalm. I'm such an idiot. Of course she's changing. I hear giggles from inside and after a couple of seconds the door opens. "Don't act like you didn't see me in underwear before." she laughs. I mean that's true, changing room for PE, "but still."

We walk down the stairs. "Good morning, sleepy-heads. It's half past 11am, " my mum greets. "Quickly grab some breakfast. Lunch is going to be soon. Will you eat with us Rose?" "Uhhh... " she looks at me. I nod. "Okay."

We just quickly made some toast with marmelade and sit at the table. As we are eating some marmelade gets on her face near her lips. Without thinking I reach out my hand and wipe it away. I touch her lips and she looks at me flustered. I pull my hand back to me and look away immediately.

"Mum, when is the lunch?" "1pm." "Okay we're going on a walk. We'll be back by then."

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