Chapter 9: Too Close?

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"Are you okay Rosy?" I ask worried. "I'm used to it," she says avoiding my eyes. "You didn't have to hit him. Why did you put yourself in danger? I'm not worthy enough for you to get hurt. I would never forgive myself if something bad happened to you." She hugs me and starts crying.

"Rosy. Don't feel like that about yourself. You are worthy everything and for me most precious in the whole world." I gently caress her hair. "Come on, let's go home." She nodds her head still sobbing on my shoulder.

"Ok, we're going. Thanks for helping me with that piece of
sh!t Jake and Matthew. See ya." I bid goodbye to my friends and take hold of Rose's hand. I guide her to the bus. I look at her and I feel pain in my chest seeing her hurt, both emotionaly and physicaly.

We sit down, but bus is full of highschoolers going home now. She covers her face and quickly sits down by the window. I sit down next to her and take her hand in mine. I draw circles on the back of her palm with my thumb to comfort her. I lean closer to her and whisper in her ear: "This will never happen again. I promise to you I will protect you. I'll treat your wounds and I'll make sure to heal all your scars too. I love you. I'll kiss your cheek now. Tell me if you don't want me to."
"Go on. I need comfort right now and you are doing just that. You constantly shower me with love and don't even bother that I can't return this love to you, "she whispers back. I lean closer and gently kiss her cheek that is not scratched. I leave my lips there for longer that it would be necessary and I see she's glowing red now. She seems to like you. I remember Ivy's words. What if she really does? No! Don't bring your hopes up Lilly!

The bus arrived and we slowly started to walk back to my house while holding hands. I notice she's slightly limping. I let go of her hand and wrap my arm around her waist to help her walk. She turns her face to me and gives me a little smile before mumbling a small "Thank you." Is she blushing? No, my mind is probably just playing tricks on me.

I unlock the door and l lead her to the couch. "Sit here and wait for me. I'll treat your wounds." I go and bring some alcohol and cotton to clean the wounds, an ice pack and a plaster. I pour some alcohol on a cotton. "This will hurt a little," I warn her and gently touch the scratch on her cheek with cotton. She doesn't even flinch. Okay? As I finish cleansing the scratch I put a plaster over it and move on to her busted lip.

Okay Lilly, breathe. Think straight. You're just going to clean her wound. Don't think about that being her lips. I take another piece of cotton and pour alcohol on it. I gently take hold of her face. I madly blush. It's like I'm going to kiss her! Calm down Lilly, put those thoughts away. I shake my head. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, totally," just gaypanicking on the inside.

As I finally gather my thoughts I put cotton on her lip. I clean her wound and press an ice pack on it. But while doing that I touch her lips. I jump away. "Oh sh!t I'm so sorry." She is brightly red right now. "I-It's o-oka-y." she stutters and presses an ice pack on her busted lip. "I'll just go to the toilet, " I excuse myself.

I walk in the bathroom and silently curse under my breath. How could I accidentaly touch her lip! "Arghh!" I ruffle my hair in frustration. Now she'll think I did it on purpose and run away. I don't want her to see me as someone who took advantage of her like people who hurt her in the past. I slowly exhale and wash my face. After I calm down a little I walk out of bathroom.


"Thanks for taking care of me before. I'll get going now," she hugs me and waves her hand as she leaves. She said it would be suspicious if she stayed overnight everyday. I watch her as she leaves and I think I've messed up. I shouldn't have touched her lips. Gosh, Lilly, you're so stupid.


I'm laying in my bed slowly drifting to sleep when I hear something banging on my room's window. "What for the goodness sake?!" I get up half asleep and walk to the window. I push the curtains away and look outside. I immediately run down to the front door, open it and call the person to come in.

"Rosy," I say with a bright smile. "What are you doing here?"
"I can't sleep."

Now we're lying next to each other on my bed. My back is turned towards her as I'm afraid to face her and do something innappropiate. "Lilly? Is something wrong? "
"No... Actually yes." I take a deep breath. "Before, when I was cleaning your lips, I accidentaly touched them. I'm afraid you will leave me again. Please don't. I would never do anything that could hurt you."

"It's okay. You didn't make me uncomfortable. I'm so moved, because you care so deeply about me." I feel her arms wrap around me and she mumbles in my back: "I'm so grateful that I've met you again. You've brought happiness back to my life." I turn around and hug her back. I kiss her forehead and softly say:"I love you. Good night and sweet dreams, Rosy."

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