Chapter 24: Dream Catchers VS Gray Cats

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I wake up in the morning and look at the clock. Crap! I should be at the stadium at 11am and now it's 10.30! I quickly, but carefuly not to wake Rose up, jump out of bed and run to the bathroom to get ready.

I exit the bathroom, already dressed in my jersey and see Rosy sitting on the floor, looking up at me. "What are you doing on the floor," I ask smiling. She looks cute like that. "Waiting for you," she smiles and winks at me.

I look at her closer and see something unusual. "Why are you wearing my sweatshirt?"
"I want this."
"Because it's yours."
"How does it even fit you?" She shrugs. "You stole my heart, now my jumper," I say, faking shock. "What's next? My surname?" She looks at me with wide eyes.
"Are you for real?"
"Well, sometime in the future..." She leaps at me and hugs me, force toppling us over on the carpet.

Sh!t, the match! 10.45. "Rosy, you know I love you but I have to go to the stadium now." She clings onto me: "Can't you stay with me?"
"Sorry," I quickly peck her lips. "The match starts at 11.30. You come later with Jake."
"Okay, can't wait to see my hot girlfriend on the field."

I run down the stairs and out of the hotel. I quickly call a taxi and tell the driver where to go. I hope he understands English.

After 10 minutes or so the taxi arrives at the stadium. I'm lucky. I enter and quickly find my team. "You should really stop going to sleep late. We're always waiting for you," scowls Michelle. "Hey calm down cap. She's here now," says Matthew.

We go and do some warm-up exercises in the time until the start.

"Now please welcome Dream Catchers!" As the voice of the commentator echoes at the stadium, we run out to the field. With wide smile I wave at the crowd. I still can't believe I'm here. I search for my favorite face in the crowd and spot her. I send her a flying kiss and stop at the middle of the field.

Clara and Benjamin sit down on the bench, they are reserve players for now.

The other team is already here and we flip the disc to see who is attack and who is defense. Nice, we're attack.

I stand in my position in the line. Timothy is our starter thrower and Catherine runs. He throws the disc and she runs to catch it. She's got it. She passes it forward but suddenly it gets knocked out in air by the member of Gray Cats.

They pick up the disc and throw it back to our endzone. I'm at the another side of the field so I just watch them score the first point. The audience bursts out cheering.

I stand back in line and wait for Matthew to throw the frisbee. I run to the left and stretch my arm to catch it. Once it's safely in my hands I turn around and see someone covering me. I step to the side and pass the frisbee to Michelle in an elegant curve.

She catches it and passes it forcefuly to Matthew who is almost standing in the endzone. As I see that I immediately dash to the endzone. He sees me and throws the disc. I jump in the air and score us a point.

The game continues like that and soon the first half-time comes to an end. The result is 4:5, Gray Cats are leading.

During the break I sit down and search for Rosy in the crowd. When I look at her I see her eyes locked on me. I wave at her and she excitedly waves back. She also shows two thumbs up and makes a heart with her fingers. I smile and blow her a kiss. She acts like she's catching it, looking so cutely confused that my heart starts to melt.

Second half-time starts and I run back to the field. I stand on the end of the field and prepare to throw a starting throw. I swing my arm and pass the disc. Clara, who is now on the field runs and catches it. She passes it on to Matthew, but it gets knocked down.

Damn. We need to try better to win. Now Gray Cats have the disc. One member passes it to the member I'm covering. I run past her and catch the disc right in front of her nose. She has a shocked expression but I just pass the disc on to Benjamin who is standing in the end zone. He catches it and the audience roars.

I glance at Rosy and see her grinning proudly while clapping her hands.

The game and continues. Gray Cats have the disc now and I try the same strategy as before. It works. I pass the disc on and Clara scores a point.

Now it's our turn again. I run and see the disc flying closely to the floor. I bend down to catch it but I accidentaly step on it. I slide on it like it's a skateboard for a couple of seconds until crashing to the fence.

I don't even feel the impact. Nothing serious has happened but the whole stadium goes silent. My team members come running to me but I get up before they could reach me. "Nothing's wrong, don't worry everyone." It's an out so I leave the disc where it is and go to my position.

Now it's just 30 seconds until the end and we're tied with 9:9. I see the disc flying towards me. I jump and catch it. I quickly pass it on to Matthew. 15 seconds. He throws the disc high, past the whole field to the endzone. Michelle runs and catches it. She's scored a point.

I look at the scoreboard. 10:9. We've won! The stadium erupts in cheers and I run to my team. We group hug and I see everyone smiling widely. "The winners are Dream Catchers!!! We got the first team for the next round! Congratulations!"

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