Chapter 23: First Day In Paris

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We're going to Paris today! Me and Rosy are sitting in my dad's car right now. We're on our way to airport, where we're meeting with my team.

Our team has got paid staying in hotel during the championship but I just got another room for me and Rosy. She didn't want to go at first and make me spend my money but after some kisses she quickly changed her mind.

We arrive at the airport. "Bye dad."
"Have fun and don't do anything stupid. You'll win. Me and your mom will cheer for you. We'll watch every match on TV," he says and ruffles my hair.

We go to buy plane tickets and then meet with Dream Catchers. I spot them standing near the plane entrance and we run there. "Ayyy, if that's not our lovebirds. Bringing your girl to Paris. Wow didn't know you're such a romantic, Tiny Ace," teases Matthew. "Shut up. Like Jake isn't standing right here," I retort and walk away.


We've just boarded the plane. I sit down with Rosy. That's my first time on plane and not gonna lie I'm a little bit scared. "Lilly, are you okay?" I nod. "Yeah, just a little scared." She smirks and kisses me. I'm surprised at first but then I kiss her back. We pull away when we need air. She leans her forehead on mine and asks breathlessly: "Still scared?" "No," I say and peck her lips. "Because you're with me."


After a couple hours long flight we arrive in Paris. Our team consists of 7 people. And then there are also Rosy and Jake with us who are not in the team, so 9 people. We take 3 taxies and drive to the hotel we're staying in.

During the drive I'm watching the city that's passing by. I'm really happy I finally got the chance to visit Paris. And even happier Rosy is with me. "Hey, Rosy! Look Eiffel Tower!" I point out the car window.

"Yes, I see Sunshine

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"Yes, I see Sunshine." She chuckles: "You're so cute," she pinches my cheeks and then pecks my nose. "I'm so happy you're here with me," I say and giggle. "And I'm even happier I've met you," she responds. I carres her cheek and look at her lovingly.

The rest of the drive passes with me pointing out of widow and Rosy simping over my cuteness. It's good that Michelle, who is in the car with us, has earphones in her ears and doesn't pay attention to us.


We arrive in the hotel and check in. We have 3 hours to rest and then we have to go to the stadion for the drawing of team pairs for matches for the 1st round. There's 16 teams competing therefore there will be 4 rounds. We're staying in Paris for 16 days.

I open the door to my and Rosy's room. Rosy runs in and to the bed and flops on it. "I'm tired! Come on let's go sleep." I smile at her cuteness and put down our luggage next to the closet. "You know that we have to go later, right?" She humms and pulls me by the hand so I fall on top of her. "But for now just stay here," she mumbles sleepily. "I'll set an alarm. Michelle's gonna kill me if I'm late." I make myself comfortable on top of her and slowly drift to sleep.


When the alarm rings I get up and start getting ready for the pair drawing. "Can I go with you?" asks Rosy sitting up on the bed, her hair cutely disheveled. "Sorry babe, you can't. Only for the team you know." I open my bag and take out my red-yellow jersey.

I turn around and see her pouting. "It won't take long, I promise," I say and kiss her nose. I take off my shirt to change into jersey and I hear her breath hitch. I smirk and walk closer to her. "Like what you see?" I tease. I see her gulp and avert her eyes, face glowing red. "I was right when I said you would look hot," she whispers. I lean in and kiss her. She shyly traces her fingers on my abs and smile into the kiss. "See you later," I say when we pull away. I change into the jersey and wave to her before exiting the room.

I walk down the stairs into the lobby. The whole team is already waiting. "Where were you Lilly Shine?" asks Michelle, our captain, sternly. "Uhh... I couldn't find my jersey," I make up a quick lie, they can't know I was making out with Rosy! "If we're gonna be late because of you I'll make you run 100 circles around the gym tomorrow on our training."
"Sorry, it won't happen again."

So to introduce our team. Besides me and Matthew there is our captain Michelle. She's very stern but she is a very good leader. She knows how to control us. She's also the oldest.

Then there is Timothy. He's even taller than Matthew which makes him very good at catching frisbees high in the air. Then there is Clara, his girlfriend. She is known for her very aggressive game.

And then there are Catherine and Benjamin. They are really nice and friendly. They are a couple too. Hmm, I kinda feel bad for Michelle now, she's the only single one here. Ok back to Benji and Cat. They are both really good at passing the frisbee and ultra rarely miss the place where they want frisbee to go.

If you wonder what is my strong point this would be scoring points. Not that I brag but I catch really well and since I'm short and fast I just slip pass other players to the endzone and get a point.

Ok, so we've arrived to the stadium. All teams stand in the circle surrounding a platform in the middle. Luckily we're not late. The announcer greets all the teams and starts drawing the papers with team names.

"So the 1st match that will take place tommorow is..." he pulls out two pieces of paper. "Dream Catchers VS... Gray Cats." I almost snort at their name. I thought he said gay cats!

"Sh!t, we're already playing tommorow," I hear Clara whisper. "Shh," scolds Michelle. The announcer reads the other 7 pairs and I just stop listening and think about Rosy.


We arrive back to the hotel and I immediately run to my and Rosy's room. I see her laying on the bed playing with her phone. When she hears the door open she hastily jumps off the bed into my arms. "So what happened?"
"We're playing against Gray Cats."
"Ok. I'm hungry," she looks down at me with puppy eyes. "In which way?" I smirk and ask her teasingly. "Food, you pervert," she gently hits my shoulder, but smiles anyways.

After the dinner, we had some french fries and steaks, we return back to our room. I walk out to the balcony and take in the view of the city and Eiffel Tower at night.

I'm just looking around taking in the beautiful scenery in front of my eyes when I feel hands wrap around my body and another head on top of mine

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I'm just looking around taking in the beautiful scenery in front of my eyes when I feel hands wrap around my body and another head on top of mine. "It's beautiful," says Rosy. I hum in agrement. She kisses the top of my head and we just stand there in silence, pressed against each other and enjoy being together.

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