3-Morning routines-3

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The crying of Sungchan made the father woke up from his night calm night sleep.

It was already morning but Taeyong felt like he slept for three seconds but he still needed to wake up because Sungchan was about to climb out of the crib.

Taeyong looked at Sungchan who had stopped crying and wide awake.

Sungchan's hand smacked Chenle's face making Chenle cry sleeping tears.

"Ouh Sungchan" Taeyong picked both of the babies up while looking at the clock.

"5 AM. Really??" Taeyong chuckled putting his phone down with a bit of struggle.

Both of the 2 year old kids were playing around in Taeyong's hand while he went down stairs.

Chenle and Sungchan were dropped down on the floor and the lights switched on.

The two kids roam around the room, playing with the toys that was around the living room while Taeyong went to the kitchen

The Sungchan looked up at the stairs seeing a wild Yuta with his messy hair and half close eyes

Sungchan made grabby hands at Yuta motioning his Older brother to carry him.

While Yuta carry Sungchan up he held Chenle's hands and checked the kitchen.

"Hey dad" Yuta called.

Taeyong, who was shacking the bottle of milk looked at his son.

Yuta put his brother down and hugged his father.

Chenle and Sungchan was jealously looking at the two as a 2 years old

"Do you have anything today?" Taeyong asked while doing his other job of making the kids breakfast at 5:40.

"I'm free today dad so I can take care of them" Yuta smiled patting Chenle's head who was hugging his legs.

"Ouhh good thing. I have a little busy day today and I still can't afford someone to take care of a bunch of teenagers" Taeyong massages his head.

"Anyone else has anything?" Taeyong asked Giving Chenle and Sungchan their bottle and them running away with it.

"Let's see.." Yuta got out his phone and opened a list of their schedule for today.

"So, Taeil, Johnny me and Kun is free today. Lucas and Sicheng has modeling blah blah. Xiaojun and Mark has extra classes, And Jisung has Dance class" Yuta read through all of them and Taeyong took notes.

"Okay, so the rest is free. Taeil and Johnny can take care of their bags while me and Kun can wake the kids up" Yuta said.

Taeyong had a smile of proudness displayed on his face. Ouh how lucky of him to have such amazing sons.

"D—dadda" Taeyong look down to Sungchan who was tugging his shirt calling his attention.

"Aww" Taeyong picked the boy up and went to the direction Sungchan was pointing at which was the Living room.

"De-ry Hyung" Sungchan pointed to the Sleepy boy on the couch.

"Yuta! did you hear that??" Taeyong asked excitedly.

"Go wake Hendery hyung up okay?" Taeyong put Sungchan down and the boy ran up to the sleeping boy and smacked his face a few times saying 'Dery hyung'

"Hello Chan-ie" Hendery picked up Sungchan and hugged him

Sungchan giggled and cuddled into Hendery with happiness.

"Hendery, can you take care of Sungchan and Chenle while I wake the rest up" Taeyong said.

Hendery nodded still hugging the tiny Sungchan.


"Let's have a meeting guys. Hendery. You keep an eye on Sungchan and Chenle k?"

Hendery nodded his head. Still playing with Sungchan and Chenle.

I guess the 2 babies found their new fav brother.

Sungchan waddled over and sat on Hendery's lap while making car sounds.

The toy car in his hand was dragged over Hendery's face.

"Sungchan," Hendery called pushing the toy car away.

"Dery Hyung!! Shotaro is trapped in the bathroom. We can't open the door" Haechan suddenly called.

"Oh my gosh!" Hendery quickly picked up Chenle and Sungchan before following Haechan up the stairs.

Haechan walked along the long hallway of rooms and ended up Infront of Yangyang, shotaro and his room.

The bathroom door inside was banging and shotaro was calling for help.

"How did this even happen" Hendery sighed putting down Sungchan and Chenle.

Hendery tried pulling and pushing on the door, he tried to unlock the door from the outside, he told shotaro to unlock the door from the inside.

Turns out...the door's lock was stuck so shotaro can't even move the lock.

"Frick, what am I gonna do. Hyunsg left me for 2 minutes and now this?!?" Hendery starts to think of an idea to unlock the door.

After minutes of trying they just have one more options left...


Johnny's figure popped out almost instantly by the scream

"What? What happen?!" Johnny panicked.

Haechan told the older about everything so they came up with the conclusion that.

"We need to break the door" Johnny said.

"But won't dad be mad??"

"It's for his own good. Do you want Taro to be in the toilet for the rest of his life?"


Hehe a but short chapter but its fine...right?

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