17.insert tittle cause idk.17

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While Irene was having some fun outside with the oldest siblings, Seulgi and Wendy is struggling with 11 year old's math.

"I have never did any math questions like this since I graduate"

Wendy laughed as she saw how stressed Seulgi looked with the math.

"Didn't you guys like..go to math class or something? You probably have learned this in school right?"

Wendy asked the three kids in front of her.

They were sitting at the dining table near the kitchen with Ten, Jaehyun and Jungwoo sitting at the opposite of Seulgi and Wendy.

"Well, we haven't gone to school for 2 weeks so we probably missed 2 whole chapters of math"

Jaehyun said while he was doodling random things on the front page of the math book.

"We'll try and help as much as we can"


Yeri and Joy were looking around for any signs of the kids they were suppose to take care of.

"Where the heck is these Ten year olds? Are they like.... invisible? I never though Taeyong's children had powers"

Yeri complained while shacking Joy's hands in frustration.

"Mark? Hendery? Why in the world did Taeyong name them like this?"

"I don't know..it's kind'a random to be honest"

Just as Yeri was about to call for them again.
They heard someone call them.

"Noona! Up here"

The two of them looked up to where the voice comes from and saw Mark's head hanging up from the attic.

"What the heck are you doing up there?" The two boys gigged happily as Joy and Yeri were to stunt to speak.

"It's our secret hideout when Lucas, Win-win and Xiaojun is not here"

Said Hendery as he pushed the staircase down for the two of them to climb up.

The stair took its time to fall down to the floor, Slowly but surely lowering its self down.

When it finally was low enough for Joy and Yeri to climb up to it, The two climbed up to the secret hideout of Mark and Hendery, and they were surprised to see what was up there.

"Welcome to our Hideout"

Mark and Hendery said in sync as they gestured Joy and Yeri to come up the attic. 

Joy had a look around while Yeri was busy chatting with Mark and Hendery on how they managed to clean a place like this

Joy was walking around the attic with mark following close behind. 
She stumbled upon what looks like an old coffee table in the middle of the hideout.

There were many stuff on the table and one of them includes a book. It seems like a photobook.

'Lee Family' was written at the first page of the book.

"That is our only memory of Hansol that I found in the attic. We couldn't find any other"

Mark explained while Joy flipped through the book.

"Yuta said Hansol and him decorated this whole book and gave it to dad but dad kept it here after Hansol's death"

Mark looked at every picture while Joy flipped through it all. 

"Look, That's me playing with Hansol at the pool!"

Mark screamed and laughed loudly while Joy smiled simply.

Joy hummed whiled nodding her head as she got to the last page of the book. 
There was a picture of a black and orange butterfly flying in the garden.

"What's this?"

"Ouh..that.... That's a picture of Hansol's butterfly that we freed"

"It was his birthday and we decided to release a butterfly for him since it was his favorite. We also released mom's"


Booming sistem up UH TY TRACK! TY TRACK!

Yangyang looked at the phone on the glass table and turned his head to Taeyong who didn't even hear the call.

Yangyang ignored it at first but then the ringing stopped which made Yangyang calm down a bit. 

As Yangyang about to take the phone to Taeyong, it started ringing again so he looked at the contact.


Yangyang looked at Taeyong once again before accepting the call, putting it near his ears.

"Hello Taeyong" Yangyang was a bit shocked by the voice and didn't know what to respond


"Ouh- Who's this?"
"Uhmmmm Y-yangyang"
"Well hello there Yang-ie. What are you doing with Taeyong's phone? Is he there with you?"
"Dad is working"
"I see, Well can you say something to him?"
"Say to him......I'll be back and you wont know when I'll be"

The call ended just like that and Yangyang was a bit surprised so he accidentally dropped the phone down and it hit his foot which made him scream at the sudden attack from the phone.

Taeyong was startled and turned his chair around as quick as he could and stood up. 

He look at yangyang before realising that the little boy was in pain.

"Yang, are you okay? what happened?!"
Taeyong asked picking up the boy and putting him down on the couch.

"I'm sorry dad. I dropped your phone"
Yangyang apologised to Taeyong and passed him the phone.

"Someone called and i wanted to give it to you but i-it fell"

said Yangyang as Taeyong checked his missed calls.


Lol sorry for not updating long. Been busy as always (。﹏。*)

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