4-Sad News-4

71 3 4

Taeyong's POV

While Lucas and Sicheng was finishing of their photography session, I got a call from Mrs. Osaki.

Or so I thought.

It was another day where Sicheng and Lucas are having their photoshoot to promote some company's kids fashion.

"Hello, is this Lee Taeyong?" The voice on the other side of the call sounds more like a man then Mrs. Osaki.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked with a concerned voice.

"I'm calling because Mrs. Osaki got into an accident and-" I gasped as the other line paused for a second.

"She couldn't make it"

I bit my lips and silent tears roll down my cheeks.

Right now? just a few seconds ago I was having fun with Lucas and now I'm silently crying.

Mrs. Osaki has been taking care of me since my wifes died and has been helping me take care of all of my kids.

She was a great person.

"Yeah....so, you might have to take care of her kids for a while. While we find someone to help take care of them"

I talked a bit more to the man before ending the call and headed to the changing room.

Lucas was there chilling, wrapped in a blanket.
It's really cold here and he is wearing shorts and all so yeah

"Where's Sicheng?" I asked him.

He pointed towards one. of the changing rooms so I went over and knocked on it.

Sicheng responded with a small hum.

"Uhmmm are you done changing? We have to go home early" I said.

They door unlocked Instantly and Sicheng got out with his black hoodie and white jeans.

ufjwyshg iuh He's so precious.

"What happen?" He asked.

"I'll tell you in the car. Now come on" I called him over and told Lucas to follow me back.

We quickly got to the car. My drawing tablet just chilling in Sicheng's lap while he sketched randomness on my car screen.

"So, why do we need to go home early?" Lucas asked.

I sighed.

"Mrs. Osaki passed away" I said simply.

The two stopped. "Mrs. Osaki?!? The twins mom?" Sicheng asked.

"Yeah" I sighed again. The car driving more and more slowly

Lucas patted my back. All of my son's know how important she is to me. She took care of me like a son.

"So what about the twins??" Sicheng asked.

I just shrugged as I focus on the road. Lucas and Sicheng continued their drawing on my tablet.

There was a moment of silent where I just remembered all the memories I had with her.

I really miss her now. She looks so happy just yesterday.

Ouh, how will the twins react to this news. They're just 8 and now they don't have any parents.

"Can we adopt them?"

I literally stepped on the breaks making my two sons in the back stumble.

"What the heck?" Lucas huffed.
"Sorry. I was just shocked" 

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