14.he's safe,don't worry.14

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"Because, Doyoung just got hit and we are just two, twelve year old kids waiting for unknown adult to take care of him...also, we're in a hospital"

Jungwoo and Jaehyun sighed and sat down on the waiting room while they waited for their brother.

Calling Taeyong is of course a better option to do but as you can see, both of the is clueless about Taeyong's phone number.

Well, Incase you don't understand what's going on? Let me give you some explanation.

Remember when Doyoung got hit? Yeah. The car that hit Doyoung ran away and nobody got to catch the culprit.

Some people helped Jungwoo and Jaehyun and brought Doyoung to the hospital ASAP


Doyoung's injury was mainly on the head so he had to go in for a few stiches which took forever.

"Is he gonna be okay?"

Jaehyun questioned.
Jungwoo thought for a bit.

"I hope so"

While they were worrying about Doyoung, a voice from the counter made Jungwoo and Jaehyun turn their head.

"Do you know where Lee Doyoung is?"


Taeyong felt two boys hugging his legs and smiled happily.
"Is Doyoung okay? Are you guys okay"

Taeyong asked, wiping a tear away from Jungwoo's cheeks.

The father heard news from Wendy that Doyoung got hit and was sent to the hospital.

So with the speed of a cheap ass car and expensive oil that wasn't enough for the car, he went straight to the hospital.

In a blink of an eye he was there all ready to beat the sh- out of the person who hit Doyoung.

"He's still in the surgery room. You can wait in the waiting room right over there , sir"

Said the nurse and pointed to the waiting area where Jungwoo and Jaehyun was sat before.

The three went over to the seats and sat down comfortably.

"What happen?"

Was the first question that Jungwoo and Jaehyun heard after they sat.

They told Taeyong about what happens and Taeyong only sighed and hugged the two twins tightly.

"I left Yangyang at home for this. Let's hope Young-ie is okay"

"What happen to Yangyang?"

Jungwoo panicked hearing yangyang's name in Taeyong's words.

"He started to have a meltdown and scream around after I talked to Jisung about your mom's death"

Jaehyun nodded his head, understanding what Taeyong was trying to say.

"He destroyed that wooden shelf in his room and also almost broke down the door but Shotaro and Haechan got him to calm down"

"But then I heard news about Doyoung and left him with Haechan and Shotaro with hopes that he won't destroy the house"

They laughed a bit but still didn't forget about the fact that they're in a hospital.


Taeyong stopped.
Looking at the surgery room door opening.


Taeyong quickly stood up and walked over to the doctor who had a cheery smile on her face.

"Good thing, your son is completely fine. He'll be in sleep for a bit since his head got hit pretty hard on the road so I suggest someone stay in the ward with him for the night and he can probably go back home tomorrow if all the check ups are good"

The doctor explained like writing a whole essay and Taeyong only nodded his head.

"Can we come see him?"

The doctor nodded her head and told them to follow her to the room where Doyoung was put.

After they reached the room, the doctor left them alone and let them enter the room.

There Doyoung was, laying on the bed with his head wrapped with gift wrappers or whatever the thing people use for injuries on the head thingy.

Jungwoo and Jaehyun quickly went to his sides and hugged him but not to tight.

"Let him rest guys. He's still in sleep"



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