Eclipse's wolves

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There was once a small town, who was home to only a couple hundreds of
people. It was in the middle of a thick forest, and was practically in the middle of nowhere. It was so small that children had almost nowhere to play, since all the houses had been squished into one small area of land. It was so small that it only had one school and one hospital. It was so small that Candence saw no purpose in moving there.
But yet there she was in the car, looking out the car window with boredom.
She had mixed feelings about moving there. Annoyed at her mom, for taking away everything she knew. She had grown up in New York City. She was used to bright lights and busy streets. She was sad for leaving her friends. She had known them since middle school, and now she would have to start eleventh grade friendless. But there was one feeling she just couldn't shake off.
Cadence had an uneasy feeling about the small town. Her mom had shown
her pictures before they had moved. It's not that the place looked like an abandoned ghost town or anything like that. In fact, it looked quite nice and taken care of. But something just wasn't right. Maybe it was the people, maybe it was the fact that nothing but trees surrounded the town. Or maybe it was that everytime Cadence looked at the picture she heard screams, and something told her it wasn't just her imagination.

Part One


Chapter One

Moving day. I woke up to the smell of gas. Must be the trucks. I hear boxes
being moved and things being knocked over. I guess the moving guys were already hard at work. I got up and picked out my clothes for the day. I needed something comfortable. It would be a long car ride. I got changed and brushed out my hair. I knew mom had to be stressed. She's a single mom and has only a couple of hours until we have to leave. I have no other siblings, so she relied on me to help around the house. I don't mind it though.
I went downstairs and sure enough, mom was rushing around with a messy
bun on top of her head. "Need any help?" I asked as she zoomed by me for the third time. "Yea honey, that would be great" she said as she smiled. Then she went off to find the boxes with the dishes. I had some toast and went around the house to help her pack.
A few hours later and mom and I were in the car following two big moving
trucks. It was going to be a long car ride. In the car I had a few things to keep me entertained, my phone, a bag of snacks, and my sketchbook. The scenery was relaxing and helped keep me from being bored. The last thing my mom needed was a whiny teenager. I decided to sketch out the mountains that stood high in the distance. As soon as I finished I started to feel a little dizzy so I lay down to take a small nap...
My eyes flickered open, and I started adjusting to the light. There wasn't much
light to adjust to though, which was odd, because today was supposed to be a hot and sunny day. I got up and looked out of the window. Shadows loomed over us, and trees blocked out the sun. We were driving down a dirt road, and the smelly moving trucks were kicking up a sandstorm of dust as we sped over tree roots. I looked over mom's shoulder, and saw a small town in the distance.

"Oh honey, you're awake," she said, "we're almost there!".

A few minutes later...

"Here's the house, Cadence!"

I looked up from my sketch book to see a white two story house with blue railings and windows, I kinda liked it.

"Don't you want to go inside and pick out your room, Cay?"

My mom calls me Cay all the time, it's technically my nickname.

"Yes please!"

Even though I'm a teen I have to have good manners. My mom says it's crucial if you want to be behaved and good. Since I was a little girl I've always wanted to live in a fairytale but magic doesn't exist in this world.

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