Catch me if you can

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Chapter 6

I walked into home room at school and sat down at the back avoiding everyone's view by looking through pictures on my phone. One girl walked up to me and said hi before sitting down in the desk next to me, she had dirty blonde hair with a black braid in the back and blue eyes with green flecks. She looked directly into my eyes and asked-

" what's your name? Mines Mackenzie." She said smiling

" my names cadence, nice to meet you Mackenzie."

" do you wanna go shopping later with me? I could use a good friend." Mackenzie asked

" uh... sure!" I said, " what time?"

I cruised through my classes and found out that Mackenzie is in 3 of my classes and Noah is in my math class and science class, at least I have a friend in all my classes I guess restarting wasn't as bad as I thought.

The next day I packed up after school and went to Noah's house to finish our homework for tomorrow, i knocked on the door and waited. Noah opens the door after a few moments and handed me orange lilies, my favourite flower, I look up at him and see him blushing so hard.

" omg Noah! Thank you!" I say hysterically laughing at him.

" wow," he says sarcastically, " shut up cadence." He smirks at me.

" please you're the one giving out flowers you big bad softie." I say walking into his house with the flowers.

He leads me to the living room and sets down work pages in-front of me on the coffee table, I smirk at him and ask,

"How old are you? And how many girlfriends have you had?" I question him

" uhh, let's see. I'm 72 years old and I've had 12 girlfriends before, they were all like felicity. I guess I had a thing for blue eyes," he smirked looking into my green ones, " until you came."

"Oooooohhhh," I said sarcastically, " you're old." I said laughing.

He chuckled and we both got to work giving each other tips and asking questions.

-time skip-

" see you tomorrow!" I shout through his house while closing the door.

I hear a muffled goodbye and some shuffling, I start walking away and then I hear a loud crash and breaking glass. I drop everything and run back into his house dreading what was happening, I walk into his living room and see a broken window, Noah on the floor unconscious , and a pair of blue eyes I know too well.

" felicity," I growl changing into my wolf form just like her, " what have you done?"

" I warned you, cadence. I told you not to go near him." She said while we circled each other.

" you lost fair and square." I reminded her.

" to a god damn eclipse wolf, that is not fair to me!" She barked.

She pounced at me trying to snag my fur but missing, I lunge at her while she is still in the air and bite down on her leg. She backs up and bares her teeth at me, I jump and push off of the wall to hit her sideways but she makes a terrible mistake. She jumps at me the same time I twist and I hit her right out the window, I hear bones cracking and the whimpering stops as her neck breaks.

I just killed felicity...

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