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“Lorenzo if your finish playing with your toys put them away because someone can get hurt okay baby” mom said

“Okay mom” Lorenzo said before mom gave both of us kisses on our cheeks.

“I love you guys so much” she smiled.

“We love you too momma” we said and she got up.

“Pack your toys up and come downstairs to the kitchen okay” she said

“Okay momma”

She walked out and I started putting my dolls and toys away.

“Come on Lorenzo you heard momma. Pack your toys up and let's go have lunch” I said as he played on his iPod

“I’ll do it when I win this battle Aria” he said and I frowned.

I looked on the ground and his toys was scattered all over the floor.

“No Renzo do it now” I stomped my feet and he looked me.

“Now” I said and he groaned

“Fine” he said before playing his iPod down.

“Your so bossy” he mumbled. 

He got up and the door opened.

“Daddy” we said and he walked into the room without looking down at the ground.

Oh no-

“How's my-” his sentence was cut short when he stepped on Lorenzo's toy cars and fell hard.

“Daddy” We screamed as we ran towards him

“Daddy" I whispered but he didn't respond or move.

“Daddy wake up” I said while shaking him

“Daddy are you sleeping?” Lorenzo asked

“No he's not sleeping idiot you killed him” I said

“I didn't kill him and don't call me and an idiot” he said

“Plus dad always does this remember last time"

“Those times are different because we were playing Renzo and this time we aren't playing.” I said

“Okay then let's prove that he's not dead”

He placed he hand on the right side of Dad's chest for a couple seconds before he looked at me.


“His heart isn't beating” he whispered

“You killed him?” I shouted as tears started to stream down my cheeks

“No I didn't” Lorenzo said as he began to cry too.

Valerio // 18+|| book 1Where stories live. Discover now