Chapter 22: The Rise Of The New Riders

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Stoick: Sound your positions. Stay within earshot.

Viking #1: Here.

Viking #2: One length to your stern.

Viking #3: On your starboard flank.

Viking #4: Three widths to port.

Viking #5: Ahead, at your bow.

Viking #6: Haven't a clue.

Gobber: Listen... Stoick... I was overhearing some of the men just now and, well, some of them are wondering what it is we're up to here-- not me of course, I know you're always the man with the plan-- but some, not me, are wondering if there is in fact a plan at all, what it might be?

Stoick: Find the nest and take it.

Hiccup rolled his eyes.

Gobber: Ah. Of course. Send them running. The old Viking fallback. Nice and simple.

Stoick: Shhh.

Stoick (cont.): Step aside.

Viking: Bear to port.

Fishlegs (o.s.): If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Gronckle.

The teens are confused until Tuffnut speaks.

Tuffnut: I knew what this means.

Astrid understands what he meant. Snotlout, however, was in disbelief and wanted to disagree.

Tuffnut: You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. That's me.

Ruffnut rolled her eyes.

Hiccup: Uh...

Snotlout: I love this plan!

Hiccup: I didn't say anything!

Snotlout: True. Plus, what was I thinking?

Hiccup: I didn't...

Ruffnut: You're crazy! I like that...

Carol holds her vomit.

Carol: I think Ruffnut and Fishlegs are better than Ruffnut and Hiccup.

Clara: Agreed.

Astrid: So? What is the plan?

Hiccup then smiled.

Gobber: Ah. I was wondering where that went.

The Vikings rolled their eyes.

Gobber: What?! That was my favorite boat!

Stoick: Stay low and ready your weapons. We're here.

[At the arena, Hiccup has released the Monstrous Nightmare. He gently guides it toward Snotlout, who is scared and grabs a knife.]

Astrid: Uh-uh.

Snotlout: Wait! What are you--?!

Snotlout starts to be nervous.

Hiccup: Relax. It's okay... it's okay.

[Snotlout bonds with the Nightmare.]

Snotlout was in disbelief. Bonding with a dragon is impossible. So, he decided to stick with the tradition. Meanwhile, the Vikings were amazed.

Snotlout: Where are you going?!

Hiccup: You're going to need something to help you hold on.

[The teens glance at the three other dragons, all out of their cages.]

Ruffnut: Awesome! We finally gonna have our very own dragon!

Tuffnut: Imagine the destruction!

The Thorston twins suddenly got dumped by a bucket of warm water.

Ruffnut: Hey, what was that for?!

Carol: Don't even think about destruction!

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