Morning troubles

859 31 29

Trigger warnings!
Talking about self harm
Talking about eating disorders

Yanfei pov

I woke up before everyone woke up. I grabbed my phone and opened the camera app to make sure I didn't look bad. I had eye bags! What time had I even woke up at? It was about 3:30 am. I just sat in the bed that Tao and I were sitting in. I grabbed her hands and pulled them close to me. Her flowing sleeves had been rolled up and her wrists were covered in bandaids. A few were falling off. I was surprised. There was cuts everywhere! Hu tao would never self harm..! Or would she? I had to find out what was happening. this definitely did not happen incidentally. Whoever did this must of had terrible intentions. I decided to confront tao about it.

I shook her shoulders vigorously. "Wake up!" I whispered. She sat up quickly. Her eyes were red and I could see bits of dry blood incrusted into her fingernails. "Who did this to you..?" I said, holding up her wrists. There was a long pause.. a very long pause. "Ch-Chongyun..." she said, suddenly bursting in to tears. I pulled her close to me and we hugged. "Ill confront him today about this behavior"- someone cut yanfei off.

"HeY cUmrades! Enjoying your stAy?" Tartaglia said, sounding like a glitchy video game character. "Oh nO, I walkeD in oN a serIous timE, I'm sOrry ComRaDe!!" He said, then leaving. The door shut and we burst into laughter. For sure, tartaglia was not a morning person.

We waited a few hours and it was eventually breakfast. I ate one serving, as usual. I don't blame her for being hungry, but hu tao had already had more than 2 servings. I remember listening to her mom yell at her the evening that she left my house that one day, and she said one thing about "you can't eat a lot of food anymore." I'm starting to get worried. I think tao has an eating disorder, which is fine. But eating disorders aren't a good thing. In my early years of childhood, one of ny friends had an eating disorder. My parents hated her because of that. They even started calling her 'abnormally skinny' or 'inhumane'. It was quite rude. Granny was always there for me, though!

"May I be excused to the restroom, tartaglia?" Hu tao said with so much kindness and thought that she scared me without even trying too. "YeS yUo may!" Tartaglia said, still seeming off. I told everyone I was going to go get my clothes, but secretly I was going to listen to hu tao. I knew she didn't have to use the bathroom! I crept up close to the door, close enough to hear her... crying? I didn't understand. I thought she was having a great time! Maybe somehow I had ruined it..? Probably not. I don't recall doing anything that would vex hu tao. After all, we did just start dating. Suddenly I jumped quietly, not expecting hu tao to speak. "I bet everyone thinks I'm fat now that I ate like three servings of cereal!" What was she talking about? She was like only four pounds more than the average girl her age.. I knew something was off... it had to be that she did have an eating disorder! I heard her typing something on her phone. She was texting someone, perhaps. I heard her footsteps and I ran for my life, as soundlessly as I could. I put my outfit on and I crept downstairs, back to the table everyone was sitting at. I saw Hu tao, waiting for me. I ran to her and hugged her. "Why are you hugging me all the sudden, am I really that cool?" Hu tao asked. Before I had a chance to reply, tartaglia did for me. "Ofcourse you're that cool, comrade!" I rolled my eyes, jokingly. Then I remembered I had asked my father if he could pick me up at 10:30 am. Then I released it had just turned 10:00 A.M. "oh my god guys, I'm a wreak today. I forgot my father was picking me up in thirty minutes! If I may be excused, I need to go pack my things." I said, trying not to panic. Then hu tao stopped me before I got to the room. "I won't be at our dorm. My parents will be taking me home... they said it's for the better of me. They also said that I should be living in a proper household with parents to take care of me. I will miss you, but I'll be back in the dorms on Friday.." I was a bit surprised. "Are you completely sure that you want to go back home, to people that have abused you your whole life?" I said, not wanting her to get hurt more. "Yes I'm sure. Just remember I love you a lot! I will be in contact with you frequently, though!" She said boldly. "Your the sweetest girlfriend ever! Ilysm!" I said, expressing my true opinion and gratitude for her. Deep inside, I knew this was not for the better of her, though. Her parents are terrible, cruel folks. As much as I don't like my parents, Tao doesn't deserve the life she has at home.

I saw her parents pull up to tartaglias parking lot and tao walked sadly to the car, hopped into the backseat and waved goodbye to me. My parents fancy car trailed behind them. Now it was my turn. I jumped into my seat in the back and gently laid down my backpack. I knew they had something negative to say immediately. My father began to speak "Why did you hang out with one person all night? Your other friends probably wanted to hang out with you too!" I didn't know what to say. I guess Hu Taos attitude had rubbed off on me, and I snapped. "I'm tired of you constantly bringing me down just to make yourself feel better! You make me want to cry! You evil bitc-monsters!" I can't believe I almost cussed at my parents! I would be in big trouble if I actually did say bitch! "When you get home, you are going straight to your room to reflect on your actions, young lady!" My dad added. "Stop paying so much attention to that funeral parlor girl too. She puts no effort into her business! She is a nuisance to Liyue!" My mom spoke. I decided to shut up. If I didn't I'd probably get slapped. I immediately contacted Tao when I got home.

Yanfei and hu tao dms

YanYan: how's it going at your house?

Tao: I'm not home yet! My parents aren't talking to me though.. : (

YanYan: my dad is coming up the stairs I'll talk in a second! I love you 🖤🖤🖤

Tao: ok talk soon! I'll tell you all the info when I get to my house!

YanYan: bye! 🖤🖤❤️❤️🖤🖤❤️❤️

I slammed my phone down and grabbed a notebook to pretend I was writing down appointment schedules so my father wouldn't think I was slacking off. "Give me your phone. Right now, young lady." My father said, boldly.

Oh no! He would see my text messages! What would I do?

"Can I swipe out of my apps first so I can save batter"-

"No." He said, grabbing my phone. Oh no. This was the start of a terrible day.....

I hope you liked this chapter! ❤️🖤❤️🖤

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