steps to happiness

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tw: themes of ocd, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicidal ideations, and self harm

step one: buy yourself an expensive bouquet of white flowers from your local grocery store. flowers are an excellent way to brighten up any space!

step two: cut at least three inches off the stems, try not to fantasize about replacing the stems with your fingers. blood and white flowers will clash stylistically.

step three: place them in a vase filled with water. don't forget to chug your own glass, we know you've had nothing to drink but monster energy and coffee. 

step four: lay in bed until your bladder is so full you go numb. count the flowers from your bed. count the flowers. count. obsessive counting is said to be relaxing. don't worry too much about the fact that if you miscount your dog's mother's, owner's cousin will get hit by a car.

step five: be sure to keep the flowers alive. this step will be important later.

step six: if you bought white roses, you're in luck! find the rose with the largest thorn and use it as a blade, dragging it across the palm of your hand, you've only succeeded if you've drawn blood.

step seven: remove all rotted flowers from the bouquet. remember, rot spreads, you'd know. the pain of your first trauma was small, manageable, until it rotted the surrounding brain tissue creating a home for itself.

step eight: pop a couple flower buds into your mouth. they have no calories so you won't have to worry about gaining weight. realistically though, you'll most likely gain a few pounds anyways.

step nine: cry and rip some flowers apart. petal by petal. ripping things is supposed to be therapeutic, but don't be too jealous of the flowers. you already had your turn to rip yourself apart.

step ten: when all the flowers are ripped and rotten, and your hands look the same be sure to lay back down, and surrender yourself.

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