Game of Survival Part Two

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A/N: I'm back!! Thank you all so much for the support on the first part - I'm so glad you all enjoyed and tagged along for this crazy little story we are going on! 


The room remained in silence for the next five minutes, Carina cleaning off her hands and face of blood - everyone else just keeping their eyes anywhere but the brunette.

"I want Maya Bishop dead," She declared, everyone's head snapping towards her. 

A few days ago....

Maya and the rest of the team were all sat down in the basement of the Bishop family estate. Family being Maya and Mason. The rest of their inner circle had houses not too far away - all bought and purchased by the organisation for safety and security.

The basement was almost as large as the whole house itself - which was over fifteen thousand square foot, the Bishop legacy had certainly not been afraid of making a statement in their living quarters. It was home to three divisions within the mafia - operations, which was undoubtedly the largest area within the basement, followed by finance which often had close relations to those running operations, being Jack, Travis and Vic - then the legal aspect of the business. Contracts, negotiations, business deals and the specifics and loopholes in working with politics and the law.

Everyone worked in a very well interconnected way and Maya considered it efficient - everyone knew every in and out of every operation and it helped them make sure their work was clean, mostly above the board and that they got away with it, all while making a significant profit. When done right it was an easy business.

The inner circle were all currently seated around the large conference table in the middle of the room - every division occupying one of the corners with offices situated in the forth.

"So any updates on the oil?" Maya asked, twirling a pen between her fingers.

"It's gone," Mason said. "The DeLuca's transaction already went through - no point doing anything else at this point."

"Fine," Maya huffed, still very bitter about the situation - on their way home to New York from Italy in the private jet she had consumed an unhealthy amount of whiskey but it hadn't helped. Although she was slowly getting over it.

"Anything else I need to know about?" She asked.

"I spoke to a supplier at the ball about a new stock increase on the weapons and that had just come through - legal are drawing up the paperwork and it should be signed by the end of the day," Jack reported.

"Good," Maya nodded. "Vic?" Currently the two weren't on great terms given Maya had wanted the oil deal and it was Vic's job to make sure that happened, so it was safe to say she was expecting results from the woman.

"We have made contact with several business and investors, we should be expecting an inflow of capital as well as connections into the hotel industry - if you want to of course. It could do well with the casinos?" Vic looked at Travis who nodded in agreement that it would be a good opportunity to expand while also merging one of their current operations.

"Hm," Maya pondered, actually very impressed with the idea. She liked it. It was sensible, it was smart, it would be a good shell company for money laundering as well as a reputable business for not only international expansion but integrating the casinos. "Go for it - keep me in the loop," Maya replied, shrugging off her jacket and hooking onto the corner of her chair.

"Of course boss," Vic nodded, shuffling her papers in front of her.

Just as Maya was about to speak up Mason's phone began to ring.

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