Game Of Survival Part Three

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A/N: I'm back! And for the final part of this fun little three-arced oneshot! This has been so fun to write and thank you all so much for the support you have given this - I'm so glad you have all enjoyed it thus far! Once again a big thank you needs to go out to Katherine_Lindsay for this suggestion! Now, prepare yourself for the final part...

"Why don't people just listen?" Maya asked with a sigh, wiping her blood splattered face with her sleeve. "They don't learn."

"Well I think it's safe to say they just learnt their lesson," Mason replied with a chuckle, following his sister down one of the tunnels underneath the Bishop estate.

"About time," Maya scoffed. "Any updates while I was busy?"

"We have made contact with most of the buyers from DeLuca's drug trade and are getting the product to them, a small payment going along with it for the delay."

"Good," Maya nodded. "Anyone we can get into business with? I know Gibson has some new opportunities with the firearms and is looking to expand."

"I can get Vic to have a word with them - see what their stance is?"

"Do it. I want answers by lunchtime," She ordered.


"I'm going to shower - try not to let anything go wrong while I'm gone."

"You have no faith in me," Mason laughed.

"Absolutely none," Maya teased back, clapping him on the shoulder before she climbed the stairs to reach the main house, while Mason continued through the tunnels to go into the basement.

As Maya jogged up the steps into the main house she smiled at all the staff and continued her way up into the master bedroom, stripping herself of her bloody clothes, tossing them into the basket before switching on the shower.

Once she'd allowed the room to steam up, indicating the temperature was at a good level, she stepped underneath it with a sigh, her blonde hair getting wet under the spray as she ran her hands through it. Her knuckles were sore and bruised and bloody, a consequence of a man who refused to talk meaning she had to get herself a lit bit dirty to get some answers.

As the water continued to fall the droplets on the floor marbled into a scarlet red as the blood washed from her body. She ached and she hurt but she'd gotten what she'd wanted so it had worked out well.

Her life wasn't easy, but she was a Bishop. This was in her blood, this job was meant for her and this title, this position was her legacy.

And she would do everything she had to to protect it. Even if that meant getting her hands a little bit dirty.

The next day....

The sun had barely risen above the horizon and yet the Bishop siblings had been awake for the last hour and a half. Maya practically dragging her younger brother from his bed to go for a workout in the gym.

They'd been at it for a while: cardio, weights, more weights and now Maya was intent on finishing off their workout with some boxing. A 'cool down' she had named it but Mason wasn't too sure how she was cooling down, if anything the intensity had only seemed to rise but he just took the small break of holding the bag without complaint. 

Maya pounded her gloves, despite the state her knuckles were in, into the bag, as her brother held it in place. The noise of it bouncing off the walls and echoing around the gym.

"So, we made further contact with some of the businesses," Mason started, having already given a brief update yesterday lunchtime, before he grunted in pain after particular hard hit from his sister.

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