Chapter 15: (Y/N) vs Armquist

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Union City.

A small town right at the east coast of the U.S.

A small town wich holds great tactical value for the U.S forces. Mainly because of the reason, that the U.S Chiefs in command of the military use an old abandoned Airfield and it's Hangar as one of their secret hideouts.

Armquist called the Chiefs of the Navy, Marines and Air force for a meeting. Trying to unite them under Majestic's 'new chain of command'. But he also called them here for another reason.

The Communist Spy.

The same 'Spy' who destroyed Area 42 and the Army forces at Santa Modesta.

If Armquist plays his cards right, he could unite the Chiefs under his own chain of command and with that smack Majestic right in their stupid faces.

But not known to him, a third faction has joined the party.
And he just climbed out of his Spacecraft.

The tall Irken Invader climbed the roofs of the houses with his PAK Spiderlegs, trying to find Armquist and the other Chiefs. But he didn't saw anything besides the Dock workers.

He contacts Zim,

(Y/N): "I'm in position. But... i haven't seen anyone here. Zim! You got anything for me?"

Zim and the others looked at the screens of the main computer, trying to get a signal,

Z: "Just give me a sec here... Hm... scanning the sectors..."

Millie was curious, she needed to ask,

MI: "So... what's the worst thing that could happen? I mean we got some sweet ass Tech and Weapons and..."

Tak stops her,

T: "Yeah, we got the Tech but NOT the manpower. We can do a lot of damage, yes. But if those military monkeys join Majestic, then things will get a lot more difficult on our end."

MI: "So? You guys just could contact your leaders and ask for-"

Suddenly, (Y/N) starts to laugh like a maniac on the other side of the channel,

(Y/N): "HAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA!!! By Irk, that would mean that the Tallest were actually competent!! HA HAAA-W H E E Z E!!!!!"

Millie looked at Zim with a puzzled look,

Z: "Uhh, yeah. (Y/N) isn't really a big supporter of our leaders."


The Computer suddenly activated an alarm. A signal was found that matches the one of the military.

It was coming from a black sedan,

Z: "(Y/N)! A black sedan just entered the area! Matching signals with the military."

(Y/N) saw the vehicle. He stood up,

(Y/N): "Alright, i see it."

(Y/N) started to follow the human transport. And to his surprise, it was driving out of the small town. Taking course to an small Airfield.

Soldiers were all over the place. The black sedan came to a hold infront of the Hangar. The door of the car opens. And General Armquist came out of the human transport. The guards opened the side entrance of the Hangar and Armquist walked inside.

It's now or never,

Z: "Take the form of a human warmonger and infiltrade Armquist's meeting. Then use your powers of persuasion to turn the others against him. Sounds like a plan?"

 DOOM AWAITS ( Invader Zim x Destroy all Humans crossover / Male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now