Chapter 2: Probing time~

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One mission.

They had already just one mission on this planet. And how did it end?
An entire Farm burned to the ground, parts of the human military-industrial complex crippled, and dozens of humans are either burned alive or vaporized.

What a glorious success for their first mission on Earth.

(Y/N) returned to his quarters on the Mothership after his little Rampage on the Turnipseed Farm. He's sitting on the window frame with a human magazine in his gloved clawed hands. It's about a hobby with the name: Battlemace 42 Million. He turned the page,

(Y/N): "Tch, those K'au are pathetic. Can't even fight in melee."

He wanted to finish this magazine, but befor he could do that, Zim called him on his personal communicator on his wrist computer,

Z: "(Y/N), meet me on the bridge. I have a new mission for you."

Thats all (Y/N) needed to hear. A new mission means a new chance to blow stuff up. He stands up and exits his chambers. The rather tall Irken Invader made his way towards the bridge, after a short ride with the elevator he reached it. The doors slide open and he enters the bridge, only to be greeted by GIR who flew right in his face. (Y/N) flew on the ground with GIR on his chest, he looked up and glares at the S.I.R unit,


(Y/N) breathed in... and out again, really trying not to lose his temper. He pats the head of GIR and then lifts him up from his chest and places him down on the ground beside him. He dusts himself off and walks towards Zim, who stands right beside the main computer,

Z: "Sometimes i wish i could activate his duty mode permanently."

(Y/N) pats Zim's shoulder to reassure him,

(Y/N): "So, what did ya got for me?"

Z: "This mission is... unussual. We need a human for scientific research. WICH means that you need to be careful NOT to annihilate every single human you see down there."

(Y/N): "Wow... You are such a giant buzzkiller, Zim."

Z: "I only need one. Not ten or hundred. I already updated the Nav-computer on your Ship. I contact you if you arrive at those coordinates."

(Y/N) nods and made his way to the Hangar bay.


Rockwell Fair
9:40 pm

(Y/N) landed his Ship a few hundred meters away of the fair ground. Since it was night, he didn't need to worry about people seeing his ship. Zim supervises his comrade while (Y/N) landed hiy ship,

Z: "(Y/N), i see a horde of humans up ahead, congregating at some sort of holy ground. Here's the plan. I want you to enter the fair, find a malleable human, and lead it back to your ship for... questioning. Get the picture?"

(Y/N) exits his Spacecraft and made his way towards the fair. Using the bushes to sneak up as close as he could. But there is now a problem. He needs to be incognito on this mission, means he needs some sort of disguise. The holopad flew up to him and the holo version of Zim appears again,

Z: "I'm sorry to tell you that you can't go in guns blazing... at least not this time."

(Y/N): "Oh, don't you worry. I have already a perfect disguise."

 DOOM AWAITS ( Invader Zim x Destroy all Humans crossover / Male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now