Chapter 16: Good Day, Mr. President

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Nothing but silence could be heard inside Silhouette's office.

The Majestic Agent was sitting behind his desk, elbows on the table and hands put together infront of his mouth.

At first Silhouette thought that Armquist had failed his task to unite the other Chief's in command under Majestic's new command structure.

He even thought that Armquist played against him by uniting the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines under his own new chain of command.

But a quick investigation of the Military hideout in Union City revealed something else.
Armquist and his Honor Guard were destroyed... vaporized... gone.

Dib was the one who was leading the Scouting party in Union City. After he discovered the remains of Armquist and his Guards he knew who was to blame...

The Demonic Alien Invaders.

Silhouette still had a slight headache after all of Dib's rambling about the Aliens having Demon allies who would help them.

Dib returned back to Capitol City after Silhouette ordered him back to the HQ.

A plan was needed to get rid of this Irken Alien threat, and Silhouette actually had one.

They needed someone as bait. Someone or something the Irkens couldn't resist... and the head of Majestic propably found him.


Zim was sitting infront of the Main Computer on the bridge. Yesterday marked a great progress in their war against Majestic. The human military-industrial complex is crippled, and the military and Majestic will propably never have real official alliance.

Zim was busy right now, trying to find their next big target. Something that would destroy the human moral for the rest of their campaign.

As for now, he was gathering information about two things:

1. The human media are broadcasting more and more about a being called 'The President'. Zim found out that this 'President' holds a lot of power and prestige, and as it turns it this 'President' is the leader of all humans!

With him gone, the entire human hierarchy would be in complete chaos.

A perfect target.

And 2. Well... this Organization really got Zim's attention.
Mainly because it's an Government supported secret organization that consits ONLY of Human beings that are able to use the power of their minds. Or Psychic powers for short.

Mind-control, Mind-reading and Pyrokinesis only to name a few.

If those Psychic enhanced human beasts would find out what happened to their precious Earth, things will become way more difficult for them.

Zim already made a plan to infiltrade this Organization. It turns out that these 'Psychopaths'(?), or whatever their name was, have a top secret Summer Camp training facility in the middle of a forest.

A perfect place for an Infiltration and Assassination mission.

Zim was now overlooking the attack strategy for their next mission.

The door to the bridge opens and Millie walks in, the door shuts right behind her.

MI: "Hey, Zim~."

The Irken Invader looks behind him and greets her,

Z: "Oh, hey Millie."

The Imp Assassin walks up to the Computer, she placed her elbows on the Computer and looks at Zim with a teasing look,

 DOOM AWAITS ( Invader Zim x Destroy all Humans crossover / Male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now