14 II Nothing

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Dream walked into class puffy eyed and tear stained. The reason why, would always be locked into his chest until the day he died. Thoughts swarmed in his mind about the event. 

Gods, how he hated the event. 

Every month sent him spiralling in his presence, and just when he had started to feel normal again he had to go back there. He hated it with all his heart, but knew he couldn't do anything about it. 

Don't worry. His sister had signed. We don't have to see him for the rest of month. 

He only nodded in defeat, and said nothing more. There was nothing he could do escape his ruthless claws. At-least it's better then it was before. Yeah. That was what he had to tell himself.

He only sat down in his seat and awaited a later time. That's all he could do. 

When everyone started to get up, he looked around and packed up, putting his bag over his back and walked out of the classroom. By now, he looked presentable and didn't look like a mess.

He hoped George was okay. He hoped George didn't question it. 

But the first thing the brunette said to him that day was, what happened? 

Dream was stumped at that question. What should he say? That he cried on his bedroom room until an ungodly hour because of things he didn't want to think about?

That would only make him feel bad. He didn't want George to feel bad. 

So he lied. It's nothing.  

Are you sure? 

He nodded. 'Please', he thought. 'Don't ask me. I don't want to lie to you.'

He didn't want to lie. But it was better off for all of them. It was only something Dream had to get over himself, without the knowledge that his friend wanted to help. Because it only made him feel worse. It only made things worse.

So he smiled. He had to smile. It reminded him to be happy. He didn't want to loose sight of that. He would rather admire something so pointless to remember what it feels like to be happy, then dwell on his sorrows. In other words, he was a coward. 

Just as he had said. 

It doesn't look like nothing. 

He winced. 'Don't make me lie to you,' he thought. It's fine. 

George dropped it. He only walked off and Dream made sure to follow him. Where are we going? The brunette looked forward and didn't reply. I'm sorry. 

But George only turned the corner and walked into a room. Dream stiffened before he followed his friend. And it was the bathroom. Wash your face. He signed. 

Dream looked to his friend then the sink and turned on the tap. He felt ice cold water splash his face and he took a deep breath. He felt alive. 

George only waited patiently as the blonde washed his face. he felt the cold particles hit his face and he only felt alive. 

When he was done, he turned to the brunette. Are you gonna tell me what's wrong now?

Dream paused. He couldn't tell the truth and he couldn't lie. I met someone yesterday.

They seem horrible. 

I wish they weren't. 

They both paused, looking anywhere but each-other. thoughts swarmed in dream's mind, what he was to say and what he was to do. Because at that moment he opened up wounds that were meant to be left alone in the past. 

George seemed to understand that. Do you want to talk about it?

Dream looked down at him and shook his head.  

George left it at that. They left the bathroom and left to go have lunch. Away from the crowds of staring eyes that swooped around the school like hawks. 

Dream smiled. He was glad he had George. He was glad he had someone who was kind, who cared about him as much as Dream cared about him. 

He knew the tears would return. But that didn't matter now. 

All that mattered was the short brunette at his side and the food they were yet to eat. 


Dream opened the door that lead to his house and he closed it behind him. He looked up to see his mother turn her head and look at him with a smile, getting up to hug him. She wrapped her arms around him and Dream then understood she'd been thinking about him. 

They pulled apart from one another and his mother started to speak to him. How was you're day? She smiled at him. But he knew she was just trying to be supportive.

He didn't want her to lie. She didn't deserve this. 

It was good, he signed. 

She nodded. That's good. I'm so sorry about yesterday. 

It's okay. It's not you're fault. 

His mother smiled at him and turned her head. Dream followed her gaze and saw his sister standing in the staircase. She looked at them with a worried gaze. 

Dream grinned at her and ran to the staircase where he hugged her. She tried to push him away but he only had more determination to hug her back. Finally, he decided he chocked her enough and he let go. 

She smiled at him and punched his shoulder playfully. Dream punched her back, and then she shoved him away. Dream caught his guard and didn't move as much as the other was intending, sending his sister with a glance to his direction. 

With one blink of an eye she was gone, running up the stairs. 

Dream followed and was close on her tail. When they ran upstairs, she locked her door and dream was just left there to bang on her door. 

If he could say it wasn't fair for her to be there, then he would say just that.

So, he decided to plan something. He sat next to her door, on the side where when she opened the door he would be covered, and decided to wait until she opened her door. 

His eyes were glued on the door for so long, he lost track of time. Slowly, the door began to open, and Dream took his opportunity to strike. He grabbed her when she didn't have time to turn, and he hugged her. 

She tried to wriggle out of his grasp and she managed to do so, but falling to the floor in conclusion. Dream wheezed at her, then gave her a hand which she took. 

Let's go watch a movie. 



riptide - vance joy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYoWuaw5nSk

i didn't re-read this one 

also angst :D 

this parts important, it's going to be important later on 

i'm making so many important chapters, this is good, i think, then we're getting all the important things out of the way. but don't worry, the next few chapters will be fluff. i'm sorry if it's not good, i haven't written fluff before, so bare with me. 

- twig 

Silent Melodies II dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now