№46|The Morning After

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-‘๑’-Book 1-‘๑’-

№46|The Morning After

Queenie, Zachary, Silvia, Wayne, Penny, Jerald, Raelyn, and the twins stood outside the door of Charles' room the next morning, listening in. A deep growl echoed from inside, erupting laughter out of Miriana. 

“Why are you growling so early?” She yawned, rolling her body to lay on his chest. “Did you have a bad dream about Soren?”

“No,” Charles’ growl deepened, “there’s people outside the door.”

“Should we let them in?” Miriana whispered.

“Yes!” Queenie shouted from the other side of the door.

Miriana rolled from his chest to the other side of Charles' bed. She shivered as a cold gust of wind from the open window raked against her naked body. She hadn’t even known she was still naked until that wind rushed over her. She walked over to the coat rack, grabbed her robe and put it on before answering the door.

Queenie was the first to barge. “Let me see!” she and Raelyn cheered as they examined the new mark.

“It’s beautiful, Miriana.” Her aunt smiled, holding Penny in her arms.

“Morning, Charles,” Wayne greeted him. “Are you happy you finally got to mark her?”

“Happy doesn’t begin to describe how we felt last night, human,” his dragon spat out. “Not that I’d expect an assassin to understand.”

Charles regained control. “Sorry about him. He’s not a morning dragon and hates it when people interrupt what he likes to call ‘snuggle time with the Little One’.” He chuckled and rose from the bed in long black pajama pants. “To answer, Wayne, I am happy.”

“More relaxed, I bet,” Jerald said, passing him a cup of coffee.

“Way more relaxed,” Charles muttered into the coffee before taking a sip. “God, it felt so damn good to finally mark her.”

“She looks happier now,” Zachary observed, watching as Miriana recounted her night with Charles to her girlfriends.

“I haven’t seen her smile like that in so long.” Charles smiled when she blew a kiss at him. Never lose that smile Miri…

“As much as I hate ruining this cute moment, we do have to focus on Soren-”

Just at the mention of the name, a deep, dark growl erupted from the depths of Charles' chest.

“I’m so glad that you finally marked Miriana. Trust me, the plan should go along a lot smoother now that dragon boy over here isn’t thinking with his raging hormones anymore.” Wayne gave him a swift smack to the head. “Technically, we can’t arrest Soren for kidnapping Miriana since he didn’t actually do the kidnapping. It was one of his men. Besides, the cameras show Soren in his office the entire night.”

“Okay, so now can I kill him?” Charles asked, his eyes wide and glowing magenta. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to tear that sniveling little human apart limb by limb.” The dragon snickered, making Charles rub his hands together like some old-timey villain. “It’ll be glorious! The entire boat will be painted with his blood. It’ll be so messy, the cops won't even be able to identify him!”

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