Prologue: You Left One By One

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[A/n]- Merry Late Christmas!! Sorry I was busy the past few days. :(

If you don't know or haven't played Lobotomy Corporation, then I recommend you do as it's a great game with a great story. Also, I will be adding and removing tags throughout the story since it could change from what I have planned.

And sorry if this story isn't accurate to the lore, I just currently got a laptop for Christmas and bought the game myself and have yet to buy Library of Ruina, the chapters after this one will be based on my gameplay itself along with my own twists into the story to make it fit in.

3rd POV

The blaring sound of an alarm clock echoed in the dark and used to be silent room. The lone occupant who was currently lying in a bundle of blankets groaned before slapping the snooze button. The figure slowly but steadily lifted themselves up from their comfortable bed, blinking away their drowsiness while doing so. Moving their legs to the side of the bed, the coldness of the metal floor cause them to shiver as they stood up and stretched.


They yawned and clearly showed their reluctance to continue on with the day. The loud popping of their back as they stretched was currently the only good thing going for them at the moment. With practiced ease they navigated themselves through the dark room to the opposite side of where their bed was. Their hand searched the darkness before grabbing onto the handle of a doorknob and once they opened it they entered into an even chillier room.

With a flick of a finger against the wall, they turned on the switch to the lights, revealing that is was a bathroom that they were currently in. The lights blinded her for a moment as all she could see was white and fuzziness. Once her eyes adjusted to the new contrast of lighting, she grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste and slowly brushed her teeth.

 Once her eyes adjusted to the new contrast of lighting, she grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste and slowly brushed her teeth

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She lazily gazed at the mirror that accompanied the sink, her crimson red eyes looked at her hazel brown hair. She would have groaned if she wasn't currently brushing her teeth, her long hair was currently a mess due to her sloppy sleeping postures. But who could blame her? Those naps were just too good after a stressful day of constantly researching and experimenting. Just thinking about the long day ahead made her head hurt.

Not wanting to have a headache early in the morning, she spit the toothpaste out of her mouth, rinsed her mouth and splashed her face with water. After drying her face, she looked at herself in the mirror noticing how messily buttoned up her brown button t-shirt was. She humorlessly chuckled.

"Uuughhh, pull yourself together Carmen. It hasn't been even a week since you have started and results take time with this sort of stuff, you know that." Her pep-talk wasn't helping with her grogginess so she decided to wash off her bed hair with a nice relaxing bath.

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