Day 7

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["She was so talkative before, yet in the end, loneliness was the only listener."]

3rd POV

X walked down the same corridor that he had gone through for the past week. This routine was something that he was growing accustomed to, but the same couldn't be said for the company he had with him. Malkuth wordlessly trailed behind him as he tried his best to ignore her and the uncomfortable silence.

What was really irritating was the loud noise of her pen dancing across her clipboard as she worked. X merely ignored it at first but after the first five minutes of hearing it, he was starting to get annoyed. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye before noticing the ever constant grin on her face.

Neither of them spoke a word. Not when they met face to face outside of his room, and not even when she started to follow him. X didn't know what was the deal with it following him, but he was certain that it isn't important if she hadn't said anything. That or it had nothing to do with him since she never acknowledged his presence aside from walking next to him.

X fought the urge to release a sigh of frustration as he sped up his pace. Something that didn't bother the Sephirah that was keeping him company as she simply sped up to match him. X mentally clicked his tongue as he fought the urge to sigh heavily.

Their small silent speed-walk was put to an end when they arrived at the elevator he's grown to know like the back of his hand. Stepping inside once it opened, the two of them stood side by side as the elevator music chimed throughout the interior. A steady beeping sound would chime when they passed each floor while the still scribbling Sephirah continued her work.

With nothing to do for the next several minutes, X tapped his foot while staring at the elevator doors. When he got bored of doing that, he simply decided to look around until his eyes landed on Malkuth.

From the side, he could see that ever constant smile seem to grow as the passing of floors continued. Her pen seemed to quicken in pace as her hand twirled and maneuvered its way across her clipboard and back.

Having his curiosity piqued, X put his hands in his lab coat before leaning ever so slightly in her direction. With her height being just around his shoulders, X was able to barely see over her shoulder  what she was writing down so earnestly. Though what he saw caused him to freeze in place.

Unintelligible writings, symbols, and what seemed to be drawings were all over her paper. Her hand moved swiftly as the ink in her pen flooded the page that was once a file document. Wherever there was a white spot on the page, her hand would direct her pen and write something in it. Even the smallest of white spots was having something written in it.

X couldn't fathom what she was writing. Sometimes it seemed like normal Korean, then English, then something absolutely random. Some of the things she wrote were upside down or sideways while others seemed backwards if he saw it correctly. X noticed something, however. If he paid no mind to the small writings and focused on the larger ones, he could almost piece them together to make out a word that started with the letter 'L'

Just as he was about to figure out the word, Malkuth suddenly slammed the other papers on her clipboard down on top of that particular page and snapped her head in his direction. The action caught him off guard as he flinched and took a step or two back. Her eyes blankly stared at him while he frantically looked anywhere that wasn't in her direction. Her clipboard was held tightly to her chest while her pen was no where to be seen.

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