{Memory Repository Log 3}

712 17 3

[LOG 3:]
[Memory Repository Updated!]


"In here......within the confinements of this facility......everyone and everything is either an asset or a liability. What makes you think you're any different?"


Titles/Nicknames: Yesod the Viper, Yesod the Cruel and Emotionless, Yesod the Cold-Blooded Machine

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Titles/Nicknames: Yesod the Viper, Yesod the Cruel and Emotionless, Yesod the Cold-Blooded Machine

Position: Sephirah of the Information Team

Personality: Distant, cold, business-first-fun-later, Yesod is simply someone who focuses on his work more than anything else. There are times when he will occasionally indulge in small games like Word Chain or I Spy, but those moments are very few.

Likes: Hard-workers, keeping his distance, turtle-necks and gloves, (secretly) the small games his employees and Y/n ask him to play, ??????????

Dislikes: Showing any skin, having to repeat himself, anyone violating the procedures in his Department, slackers, ?????????

Additional Information: The cold and emotionless person that everyone sees is one of necessity. Everything is with a purpose, from the clothing he wears, to the words he spouts, and even to the uncaring glances he gives to his employees. Never had these been things he wanted but they are all necessary to complete his work, regardless of his opinions on it. ??????????





Nickname: Fragment Of The Universe

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Nickname: Fragment Of The Universe

Department: Yesod's Information Team

Preferred Tasks: Attachment and Repression


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