Day 2

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["However, the curse continues eternally, never broken."]

Y/n's POV

The sound of someone knocking on my door woke me up. I rubbed my eyes to wear off the sleep as I stood up and walked towards the door.

I opened the door and looked at the guest, or guests, that were outside. All three of my lieutenants were outside waiting, Renold had a impatient look as he held a stack of papers, BongBong merely stared at me while Shina was dozing off herself.

"Greetings Y/n, I'm here to give you the reports regarding the recruits from yesterday."

Recruits? What recruits from yesterday?

"U-Um what? I don't remember any recruits, actually.....I don't remember much from yesterday..."

Renold raised an eyebrow while BongBong tried to get past me to my room. I stopped her by flicking her forehead which earned a small disheartened "Bong...".

"Are you feeling well? I did notice you were quite....different yesterday."

I opened my mouth to reassure him but stopped halfway since even I didn't know.

"Oh just leave him be already! Can we just go? I still gotta teach those agents from yesterday some more "discipline"~ hehehe."

Shina was off in her own world as she was making punches to an imaginary foe, though it looked sloppy as she was barely awake.

"....fine, though do take care of yourself Captain. Although I admit I may be a workaholic, even I wouldn't want to be your replacement should anything go wrong."

" *Chuckles* Alright then I guess."

With that, the man left after he passed the papers to me along with Shina who lazily talked to him while he ignored her. BongBong merely stared at me as if waiting for something.

"Shouldn't you be attending to your duties BongBong?"

"Bong. BongBong."

Her eyes barely shifted to look past me. I sighed before stepping to the side to let her walk into my room. After she entered I shut the door and merely placed the stack of papers on the table.

"If you're hungry you can eat some of my rations BongBong. I'm going to get myself ready for the day so give me a minute or two."


I checked the time to see it was 7:36, meaning I had plenty of time to prepare and get an early start on the papers Renold brought. Though I wondered why the alarm didn't go off at 7:00 like usually.

After a nice hot shower and getting dressed up in my suit, I left the bathroom to see BongBong with her cheeks swelled up like balloons. Multiple granola bar wrappers were scattered across the dining table and crumbs littered the area around her lips and table.

I merely chuckled before grabbing a napkin and walking up to her. She followed me with her eyes before tilting her head up to look at me. Every once in a while she would slowly chew the bars in her mouth.

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