Day 6

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Just to let you guys know, I've started to post this story and my other one on Why? Simply because I want to share it with as many people as I can. I know people have their preferences of what they use to read fanfiction and stories, so I wanted to branch out a bit.

Plus I noticed barely any Lobotomy Corp stories on there and decided to fix that by adding my own.

A few quick questions!

How predictable is this story for you guys?

Is the story pacing too fast? Too slow?

Are you enjoying it so far?

Any criticism you guys want to give me?

Lastly, do YOU guys have any questions you want to ask me?

This Day was kinda hard with my first Ordeal since I used all of my LOB points to make my new three OC's. I didn't have enough to fully upgrade them so instead I saved my points for later. This made the three new OC's super squishy and vulnerable and I had to restart several times just to get Violet Dawn, since it's easy in my opinion. Plus the breaching of the new Abnormality?!

Yeah, this Day was iffy.

But hey, more content for you guys, amirite?

That's all for now, enjoy this chapter!

["You see a song in front of you. It's approaching, becoming more colorful by the second."]

Y/n's POV

I woke up to a massive headache as my drowsiness slowly faded. I groaned painfully as I clutched my forehead with both hands and sat straight up. The throbbing of my head made me want to lay my head back down on the surface of whatever I was laying it on, but I pushed through the pain.

Slowly I opened my eyes, wincing every so often when the throbbing was too much, and glanced around the room. I didn't need my eyes to adjust to know that I was still in BongBong's room. I also knew that I wasn't on a bed, if the table in front of me and the chair I'm sitting on was any indicator.

I glanced at the table and saw nothing there, even though I felt as if there should've been something. My throat ached and felt like sandpaper as I swallowed the little amounts of saliva. The lingering taste and smell of alcohol was all I needed to know that I had likely passed out from drinking.

Netzach would've been proud.

I vaguely remember the events of last night, with the only clear portions of my memory being when I finished the first champagne bottle with Angela. It was likely that in my less than stable mental state I had asked for more. You would think that Angela, being my Superior, would have put a stop to it before things got out of hand, but apparently not if I woke up like this.

I chuckled and immediately regretted it as my throat felt sore, causing me to cough a bit. After getting up and getting a drink of water, I took a well needed shower. The cold water helped clear my mind a bit and quickly got rid of any sleepiness I had. Though it didn't help with the headache and nausea I was feeling still.

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