{Memory Repository Log 1}

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How these will work, every 5 chapters I will add a Memory Repository chapter. So chapters 1,6,11,16 and so on will have one, similar to the game. These chapters will contain old and newly introduced characters that will be important to the story and information regarding them. It will also contain the current abnormalities that are in the story and their departments/Sephirah. I'm still debating on who's perspective these should be put in.

[LOG 1:]



Position: Manager of Lobotomy Corporation

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Position: Manager of Lobotomy Corporation

Titles/Nicknames: "Manager" by everyone

Personality: The man seems to be as emotionless as a machine. Ironic with how much he dislikes the AIs he works with. However, could you blame him? Waking up all of sudden and thrust into a job position he had no memory of signing up to, he pushes forward with determination however.

Likes: ????

Dislikes: So far Angela and the other AI's, ????

Additional Information: ????



Position: Manager's Assistant

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Position: Manager's Assistant

Titles/Nicknames: "The Perfect AI" self proclaimed though, "Thing" by the Manager

Personality: Just like a machine, she normally holds a blank face and keeps her eyes closed unless something piques her "interest". Being an AI that assists the Manager and those before him, she is highly knowledgeable in topics regarding the facility. Not much is known about her personally, though it isn't surprising with her cold and uncaring attitude.

Likes: ????

Dislikes: ????

Additional Information: Sometimes her emotionless mask slips a little whenever a topic regarding Y/n occurs.....at least that's what some of the Sephirot think. ?????

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