Day 4

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[" 'Do you remember this melody? The professor used to play this song when the students were sleepy. Happy Birthday.' "]

I walked through the abyss that surrounded me. My footsteps were muffled and could barely reach my ears. No other sound was present as I made my journey to wherever this place led me, and yet my body shivered from the occasional gaze that I knew followed me.

I turned my head back and saw nothing.

But I wasn't naive to think just that, something was following me as I ventured into the unknown. I didn't see it.......but I knew it was there.

Nevertheless, I continued as if it wasn't.

Not once did I falter in my walk.

Not once did I ever drift off course.

Whatever was following, could simply follow me to the depths of nothingness. The only question was.....

"How far will you accompany me?"

I stared into the abyss......

......and the abyss stared back from all sides.

BongBong's POV
{She thinks in 3rd Person though, sorry if it gets annoying :)}

BongBong wasn't tired, so she stayed up.

BongBong was chilly, so she got dressed.

BongBong was hungry, so she ate some food.

BongBong was bored, so she left her room.

BongBong knew that she wasn't supposed to, but BongBong didn't like staying in her room since it was dark and lonely.

BongBong only liked to be in a dark room if Y/n was with her.

If Y/n was with her, BongBong could do anything!

Even sleep in the dark!

But BongBong was she left in search of something.

What exactly that something was, BongBong didn't know nor care. BongBong simply wanted to play.

The people BongBong usually plays with are boring. They get tired too fast and are too mean whenever BongBong asks to play again.

Usually when Big Sis and Big Bro are busy, BongBong goes to Y/n for whenever she wants to play.......but Y/n is sleeping right now! BongBong should be too, but Big Sis said it was fine as long as he didn't find out!

BongBong liked walking down the hallway in random motions. The big open space let her freely move and let her imagination run wild.

While BongBong was playing, she accidentally ran into someone! But luckily she caught herself before she could fully fall.

"What the hell?!"

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