Day 12

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["The snow is steadily melting...Perhaps because spring is coming, or it might be the palace collapsing."]

3rd POV

The sound of glass shattering against the floor echoed throughout the dark and cold room. The remains of syringes and bottles were scattered across the room as the occupant unleashed their anger out on anything they could get their hands on. Shelves, chairs, tables, any furniture that could be moved was thrown across and turned to pieces. What used to be a standard one-bed living quarters was now resembling that of a battlefield.

"Where is it?! Where is it?! Where is it?! Where is it?!"

The lone person in the room heaved and was out of breath in the middle of the room while observing the damage they had done. Their eyes frantically scanned the room with a look of insanity, trying to find something—anything—that resembled the precious nectar that they relished in for the entire night. But when they found that they had none left, a look of horror plastered itself onto their face.

"No...No...No! No! No! No!"

They began angrily shouting while clutching their head as tears spilled from their eyes. Dropping to their knees, they stared at the ground while further increasing the pressure of their hands. Their hair draped itself over her face and fingers, forming a curtain to hide the mess she had caused.

Unfortunately for them, the drug in their systems was starting to lose its effects. The anger they felt turned to dread as they began to remember things that she had grown to disregard. The nightmares came crashing into her mind while a shadow lingered in the corner of her eyes. She stumbled onto her rear-end while scrambling to back away from whatever was in the room with her. Noises—voices—lingered in and about from around the room, following her as she distanced herself in the direction of her dismantled bed.

"Did you miss me?~"

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" They whispered into their ear, causing them to shriek and break down into more tears. Curling into a ball in the corner of the room, the whispers giggled and chuckled as they all but relished in their suffering. "Leave me alone! Leave me alone!

"Never, Darling~"

Through their blurry eyesight, they saw black tendrils slither from across the room in their direction. In a blink of an eye they reached them and suddenly yanked them by the foot. Painful as it was, they held in their instinct to yell as they mustered their strength to grab hold of the remaining wooden leg of the bed frame. The wooden splinters sunk into their flesh as blood dripped from their palms. And yet, despite their efforts, they could feel their grip loosening due to the force pulling them.

"Oh so stubborn~ Don't you wish to be with me?~"

The voice of multiple people speaking at once whispered once more into their ear causing them to tighten their grip once more. Even when they didn't respond, the voices merely chuckled in amusement before the room began to unnaturally darken. The person noticed this as they tried their best to pull away from the clutches of their nightmares.

"Oh silly me~ I forgot how much you enjoy these charades~"

The clutters of voices jested while pulling even harder on their legs, making them feel as if they would be torn off. The creaking of the broken bed frame caused the victim to gasp in fright while praying to whatever god or deity that was watching her to have mercy.

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