Day 1

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["It feeds on the "evil" that seeps out during conversations between people."]

Y/n's POV

I suddenly felt myself waking up to the darkness of my room. I turned to the side and saw the blinking 6:45 on the digital clock. It seems I woke up 15 minutes before the alarm could set off. Wasting no time I immediately got up from my bed and decided to get ready for the day starting with a quick shower to freshen up.

I barely spent 5 minutes in the shower as working here requires you to be quick and efficient. After damping my hair from the excess water, I put on the standard uniform, a black suit with a black tie, and started brushing my teeth. As I brushed, I stared at my own face. My black hair that reached to my chin was shining from the remaining water it had left, my gray eyes stared back at me as I slowly lost myself in them.


The alarm clock going off brought me back and I immediately spit out the paste from my mouth and rinsed it. I went to the alarm clock and turned it off before grabbing the baton, my badge with a four-pointed star, and my armband, with a white 'R' on it, that accompanied the suit from the table I left it on. As I reached the door, I put on my signature smile and walked right out to start my day of work.

3rd POV

"Hello, X." A soft womanly voice reached the barely conscious man's ears.

He brought his head up from where it was dangling and emotionlessly gazed at the "person" in front of him. The room they were in was much like an office, with multiple screens mounted on one wall and computer monitors on a desk.

The "person" that was speaking to him had long light blue hair with a little part of it tied on her left side in a small ponytail, her suit and red necktie were under a lab coat that she wore. She had her eyes closed and a neutral look on her face as she faced him.

"I give you a warm welcome to Lobotomy Corporation." Her voice, despite how smooth and soothing it was, brought chills to his spine. The "warm" welcome did little to change his cold and emotionless face.

"I am Angela, your advisor and secretary. My role as an AI is to assist you in adjusting to your new workplace, so please have no worries in speaking with me or asking any questions."

He had many questions, none of which he dared ask as he kept his silence. The Angela stood directly in front of him making it so she was in his visual perception the whole time.

"Have you ever met an AI with such a suave name? I was born from one of the 'Wings of the World'. It signifies that I am one of the best to exist in this age." She stated with a small grin on her face, her eyes had yet to open, and "X" for some reason wanted it to stay that way.

"Ah, I know what you must be thinking. Your eyes show that you think I look too human to be an AI, am I wrong?" Yes, "X" knew she wasn't human the moment he heard her speak, but something told him to keep silent and accept whatever this thing was rambling about.

Not caring about what "X" was thinking, Angela continued.

"However, there is a great difference between you and me. I am bound here. I cannot go wherever I please like you do." Her grin disappeared as she held her original neutral look. "I may be able to operate the systems of this corporation to open a door or prepare a cup of coffee for you, but I cannot take a step outside of this building to bask in the warmth of the sunlight or feel the gentle breeze that accompanies it."

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