Day 9

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(A/n)—Real quick message. In a few chapters, I will be adding my own Abnormality of my own creation. I am taking my time creating the backstory, the profile art, the sprite, the observation/tips, and more to make it as authentic as possible. Don't expect it to be good though, but it'll be the best that I can do. (I'm not an artist lol)

Here are a few questions for fun:
Who is your favorite so far? (Besides BongBong lol)

What are your favorite moments so far?

If you were in X's shoes, what would you do?

For those who have either played the game or know about it, if you could have an Abnormality (that isn't an ALEPH) as a companion/pet, which one would it be?

If you were an agent, which Department would you like to be in the most?

Which one would you NOT want to be in?

Out of the 4 Sephirot I have introduced so far, who would you want as your boss/coworker?

Last but not least, be honest, do you think you could beat Angela in Rock, Paper, Scissors?


That is all, enjoy! :)

["The final chapter ends with the phrase "Born again." "]

3rd POV

Today had started on a much better note than the previous ones. X had woken up feeling far more energetic and aware. The bags that continued to build up under his eyes were now gone, and the aching of his bones seemed almost nonexistent. All of this was due to a very early night sleep and a morning cup of coffee.

Despite the good start, however, X stared at his reflection with the same blank look that he always had. The urge to smile and jump cheerfully was there in his eyes, but his body refused the commands he gave it. So instead of that, he simply gave his reflection in the mirror a thumbs up that simplified all that he felt.

"Good job."

With a mental pat on the back for all the hard work he had done till now, X calmly walked out of his bathroom dressed for the day. Breakfast was a simple ration bar and a side glass of water. With documents on one hand and his food occupied in the other, he continued his morning routine while reading the documents like it was newspaper.

Feeling himself full, X cleaned up after finishing his meal before signing the documents he had just finished reading. He found out that most of them that he gets are logistics from various parts of the facility, work that can and should be done by Angela. The few that weren't logistics, were the reports regarding the Abnormalities, something that couldn't be done by Angela as she said it was the Manager's duty to be aware of what they were dealing with at all times.

X was all for it if he were to be honest. He didn't want to deal with numbers upon numbers every single day, so he much preferred reading the Abnormality reports. The one he was currently signing was the one made by Vinera. Looking past the crude language and sass, X could see that the observations she made were informative.

"Likes to be fed......avoid turning your back......aggression results in retaliation......however, stand your ground when necessary......"

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