Day 3

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["I am coming to you. You, who will be reduced to ash like me"]

Y/n's POV

Waking up today was easier than the previous day. I released a yawn and stretched on the bed. The cold breeze that blew across my body made me realize that I didn't have my blanket. I opened my eyes and glanced around my bed, but my bed covers were nowhere in sight. Luckily, the clothing I wore was enough to keep me warm.


The alarm informed me of the time hitting 7:00. I got up and ready for the day, completely ignoring the missing blanket as I knew who had it. It was only after my shower and eating breakfast did I remember something important.

The fact that I could remember.

I remembered the entirety of yesterday and the note I made at the back of Angela's. I checked just to make sure that I didn't just dream it and quickly found my handwriting on it. This only further confused me on why I couldn't remember the events of two days ago but I brushed it aside to focus on the pills.

Finding myself curious, I took a pill out and popped it's casing to see the contents of it. The blue and white ends split apart and revealed some reddish powder inside. I needed to test the effects of this pill to make sure if it's legitimate or a placebo. I stored a few pills into the pocket of my suit and was planning on leaving my room.

*Knock Knock Knock*

The sound of someone knocking on my door stopped me in my tracks. My mind quickly started processing who could be on the other side. Either it was BongBong returning my blanket, Angela informing me of sudden changes to my assignments, or Malkuth trying to continue what we did yesterday. She was persistent like that.

"Who is it?"

I made sure to make my voice sound as stressed and tired as possible. This would make it seem as if I'm busy with something.

"Hey Bestie~ Mind if I come in?~"

I breathed out a sigh of relief. It was only Shina, someone who I could trust with just about anything.

"Oh Shina! Sure, come on in."

I relaxed my posture and prepared some coffee as she walked in.

"So? What brings you here, Shina? I don't think there will be any rogues for a while and I certainly doubt you came on a whim."

She gasped dramatically and draped herself over the dining table.

"What? Can't a friend just visit her Bestie to see how they're doing?"

I turned and raised an eyebrow at her.

"What really brought you here?"

She stopped her dramatic act and straightened her posture.

"You're stressed as hell, Y/n."

The coffee machine stopped and I poured it into 2 cups for her and myself. I brought it to the table and placed one in front of her, who gladly chugged it even though it was boiling hot.

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