Unknown Shadow

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This is not right. We should be together, live the rest of our lives...but that's not going to happen.

Sometimes I don't understand people that want to kill, they act instinctively like animals, and sometimes even believe that justice exists because they created a nation governed by a system that decides the value of a person.

The sybil system deprived me of many things, the most important was my freedom. As I thought about this and much more, I realized that I was falling asleep...

The fog was thick, it looked liks pillows carefully accommodated. The wind puffed at the altitude of the building, the air was cold. My white dress moved with the wind and in the middle of the fog a shadow appeared...

"Do you want that freedom?" Asked, turning toward me

A little afraid I answered "More than anything in the world"

Then the shadow lifted a curious weapon, from which an immediate light blue lightning came off, turquoise I could say, that enveloped me completely and I knocked on the cold floor.

The white dress was stained red blood and the last thing I saw was...that shadow, that monster with no name....

I woke up trembling, right on the edge of my bed. The same nightmare again.

I could never see who was the shadow, it never showed it's face.

Why a white dress? Well...it must be because all I see here is white, I don't really have a favorite color, all that covers me is white, white, white.

Sometimes when I have that nightmare, they think that it drove me crazy because I get nervous and start shaking, so they give me more sedatives to sleep still.

I remembered one day where the sedative pain was unbearable. Whether I was asleep but i was still a bit conscious and i felt the weight of my body.

A nameless monster....pay the price for my freedom....suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the nurse..

"You have visits"

"No way.....I don't receive visits since i was brought here..."

"Well now you have one, let's go" - she said as she opened the fence and took my arm to get me.

I saw a tall man with glasses and hair covering his face...


Psycho Pass: Monster With No Name {Kagari x OC}Where stories live. Discover now